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“Yeah man; I had a hunch on that。”
“Dude; let me tell you something; someday; many years from now。 When you’re all growed up…and you got your own oil pany and 8 million of your own money on the contract…you can do whatever es into that little A。J。…idiotin’ mind of yours you want…but as long as it says ‘Harry Stamper Oil’ on the rig you will not disobey my rules。 You got that?”
“Yeah; I do got that。”     “Right now; I need to hear five words from you。”
“Uh…”   “I’ll never do that again。”  
“Never do that again。 I’m fool。 I’m fool。 That was idiotic。 I mean that was stupid。 I’m an idiot。 I know what name’s on the sign。 I’m not…I can’t…”
“What’ going on here?”  “What’s going on? Well; I mean; I screwed up。 I’m a little edgy。”
“How long you worked for me?   “Five wonderful years。”
“In five years; you have never apologized to me this quickly。 Something’s going on here。 I’m gonna find out what it is。
“No; no; no。 Well! I’m turning over a new leaf。 I’m trying to learn from the man。 What would Harry do? I’m at a loss for words。”
idiot (idiotic)傻;  傻瓜,白痴。(means a very very stupid person;)
例句:She’s not an idiot; but this is the most idiotic plan I have ever heard。 (她并不傻,但是她的计划是我听说过最傻的。)
Don’t listen to what he says。 He’s an idiot。  (别听他的。他很傻。)
I’m a little edgy。 有点紧张,有点不耐烦
例句:He’s got a job interview tomorrow。 He’s a little edgy right now (明天他要去应聘一个工作。他现在有点紧张。)
Erin hasn’t slept for two days。 So stay away from her; she’s a little edgy。 (她有两天没睡觉了,所以离她远一点,她情绪不太好。)
I Will Always Love You      from “保镖”
If I should stay;  I would only be in your way。  So I'll go; but I know  I'll think of you each step of the way。    And I will always love you。  And I will always love you。
Bittersweet memories   That is all I'm taking with me。   So; goodbye。 please; don't cry。 
We both know I'm not what you need。    And I will always love you。  I will always love you。
I hope life treats you kind  And I hope you have all you've dreamed of。  And I wish to you; joy and happiness。  But above all this; I wish you love。  And I will always love you。  And I will always love you。  Ii will always love you。 

sound track 原声碟
Get a head start on走在别人的前面
例句:You should get up early and study。 Get a head start on your classmates。(你要早起学习,这样你就走在了你同学的前面。)
He is a slow runner; but he got a head start on the others; so he might win the race。(他跑得慢,可是他总是比别人先出发,所以赢得总是他。)
“You know about this; Rockhound? You knew?”  “No; I had no idea。” 
“Where’s Harry?”   “Harry! All right! Whoa; whoa; whoa! I understand; okay? You are mad。 Who wouldn’t be mad?”   “But he’s gonna shoot you。”   “Nah; No he’s not; oh; shit。” 
“This guy’ got a gun; man! He’s shooting at me!   “Harry; this is not funny!” 
“Harry; listen to me! We can talk this over!   “So this is a; uh; serious thing?”  “Yeah; pretty serious。” 
“Bear; man!”  “What’s up”    “He’s shooting at me。 Uh; you see Harry ing; crack him that wrench!”  “You told A。J。’s dad just before he died that you would take care of the boy。 Now I’m not sure that shooting him is taking care of him。” 
I have no idea。 我不知道。(相当于 I didn't know ;but it's very strong  )
例句:He can play the violin。 I had no idea he was so talented。(他会拉小提琴,我怎么不知道他这么多才多艺。)
Don’t ask me where your car keys are。 I have on idea。你的车钥匙找不到了问我干吗,我也不知道啊。
mad 疯狂  生气
例句:You’d better go talk to Frank。 He’s really mad at you。(你最好去问问她本人,因为她生你的气了。)
If we’re lost; don’t get mad at me! You’re the one who forgot the map!(如果我走错了,你可不要发火,没带地图的是你。)
what’ up 打招呼,出什么事情了
例:what 's up ?   找我干什么?(打电话时)
As Time Goes By     from “卡萨布兰卡”
You must remember this   A kiss is still a kiss   A sigh is just a sigh   The fundamental things apply as time goes by  And when two lovers woo  They still say 〃I love you〃  On that you can rely  No matter what the future brings;  As time goes by  Moonlight and love songs never out of date    Hearts full of passion;    Jealousy; and hate   Woman needs man;  And man must have his mate  That no one can deny   It's still the same old story  A fight for love and glory  A case of do or die  The world will always wele lovers   As time goes by

costume  行头; costumer 服装师; wardrobe  服装;wardrobe designer  服装设计师
what's up  : two means  the first one is just used as a greeting过得怎么样  比how are you 时尚   the second meaning just means : what 's the matter   怎么了?
例:You look really angry ; what's up ?
“They’re asking for you; sir。”  “Whatever you told them; you don’t have to protect me。”
“I only told the truth。”  “They’re trying to divide us。 We can’t let them。”
“Mulder; they have divided us。 They’re splitting us up。”  “What are you talking about?”
“I have a meeting with O。P。R。 day after tomorrow…for remediation and reassignment。
“They put us together。”   “Because they wanted me to invalidate…your investigations into the paranormal…but I think this goes deeper than that now。 This is not about you。” 
“They’re doing this to me。”  “They’re not doing this。” 
“Mulder; I left behind a career in medicine…because I thought I could make a difference at the FBI…but it hasn’t turned out that way…and now if they were to transfer me to Omaha…or Cleveland or some field office…it just doesn’t hold the interest for me…that it once did。 Not after what I’ve seen and done。”
“You’re quitting。”  “Maybe you should ask yourself whether your heart’s still in it; too。”
“Agent Mulder; you’re up。”  “I’m sorry。” “Mulder。 Good luck。”
make a difference 改观 (更有起色,使。。。。更好)
例句:My friend Joe gives money to the poor; because he really want to make a difference in people’s lives。(我的朋友乔经常给穷人们一些钱,因为他真的想让他们的生活好起来。)
I wanna be a doctor so I can help people; I really wanna make a difference。 (我想成为一名医生,这样就可以使人们的生活因我而改变。)
Your heart’s still in it 爱干什么
例句:Hey; David! Your business is really doing well; your heart is really in it。 (你的生意不错啊,看来你真的是爱干这行。)
I’m gonna quit the job; my heart isn’t in it anymore。(我不爱干这行,我的心都不在这里面了。)
You’re up。 轮到你了
例句:I just tried the spicy dish。 Now you’re up。(我刚试过这道菜,该轮到你了。)
Hey; Mark! They just finished introducing the main speaker。 That’s you。 Now you’re up。 (嘿,马克!他们刚介绍完主讲,该你了。)
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough    from “修女也疯狂”
Oh; baby there ain’t no mountain high enough
No mountain high enough  Ain’t no valley low enough  No valley low enough
Ain’t no river wide enough  No river wide enough  To keep me from getting to you; baby
Don’t you know there ain’t no mountain high enough  No mountain high enough
Ain’t no valley low enough  No valley low enough  Ain’t no river wide enough
No river wide enough  To keep me from getting to you; baby

Action English  19
stunt  替身; stuntman 替身演员;stuntwoman 替身女演员
pawn 廉价出售  sell  something cheaply  ;  把某人推给。。。。  
go for  喜欢做。。。。 = like to do ; be willing to do  
You tried to pawned her off on me ; and I didn't go for it。(片中)
例:You can't pawn your old car off on me ;I didn't go for it 。 你想把你的破车廉价卖给我,我才不要呢。
     If you don't like my pany just tell me ; you don't have to pawn me off on your friend;they won't go for it anyway 。(如果你不喜欢我陪你,你不需要把我推给你的朋友。)
总结:pawn something or somebody off on 
          go for 的反义 not go for 不愿意,不喜欢
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)we're close to something here ; we're on
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