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    —It is in the garden。在花园里。    
    Where is my book? I cannot find it。我的书在什么地方?我找不着。    
    Newspapers and magazines are important media for advertising。报纸和杂志为广告的重要媒体。     
    The boy is of medium height for his age。这男孩的身高在他这个年龄中算中等。    
    7。The water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom。(READING)水分子是由两个氢原子和一个氧原子组成。    
    be made up of的用法    
    be made up of意为“由……组成”或“由……构成”。    
    Our class is made up of 50 students。 我们班级由50名学生组成。    
    The medical team is made up of 5 doctors and 8 nurses。 医疗队由五位医生和八位护士构成。    
    8。The chemical structure of water also makes it different from almost all other substances on earth。(READING)水的化学结构也使它与几乎所有地球上其它的物质不同。    
    What makes you think so? 是什么使你这么想呢?     
    He made himself heard across the room。他使整个房间都能听到他的声音。    
    9。The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean will quickly become available to other living creatures。(READING)任何物质进入海洋它的营养很快就被其它生物利用。    
    The numbers of the machine parts are not available。这些机器零件的号码找不到了。    
    The book you ordered is not available。你订购的那本书没有货。    
    All available means have been trie                D。 所有的办法都用尽了。     
    10。When dissolved gases and solids mix with pure water; the result is sea water; or salt water。(READING)当气体与固体的混合物与纯净的水混合后,结果生成海水或咸水。    
    You can’t mix oil with water。你不能把油和水混在一起。     
    Oil and water will not mix。油和水不相溶。    
    11。Even though the pure water is what gives sea water its main properties; the salinity of sea water affects both its weight and freezing point。(READING)尽管纯净水是构成海水的主要物质,但是它的重量和冰点都受到海水的高含盐量的影响。    
    even though意为“即使”,也可以说even if,引导让步状语从句,既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气。    
    She won’t leave the TV set; even though her husband is waiting for his supper。 即使她丈夫在等着吃晚饭,她也不愿离开电视机。    
    Even if the doctor had operated on him at once; he could not have been save                D。  即使医生及时给他做了手术,他也不可能获救。    
    12。Marine organisms take advantage of the density of water。(READING)海洋生物利用水的密度。    
    It has more advantages than disadvantages。此事利多弊少。     
    He thinks of nothing but his own advantage。除了自己的利益他什么也不考虑。    
    She has an advantage over me。她处于比我有利的地位。    
    13。Water can absorb and release a lot of heat without big changes in its temperature; thus creating a stable environment。(READING)水可以吸收和释放大量的热量而不会引起温度的巨大变化,从而形成稳定的环境。    
    She is a girl without selfish ideas。她是位毫无私心的姑娘。    
    He went out without saying goodbye。他不辞而别。    
    For three days he worked without taking any rest。他不停息地一连干了三天。    
    He cannot take his meal without wine。他每餐必饮酒。    
    They never meet without quarrelling。他们一见面就吵架。    
    No one can read the story without being moved to tears。谁读这故事都要感动得流泪。     
    Without working hard; one cannot succee                D。 只有努力才能成功。    
    What he has said is not without reason。他说的话并非没有道理。    
    14。The water in the oceans also keeps the temperature of the earth steady by absorbing and releasing heat。(READING)海水也通过吸收和释放热量的方式保持地球气温的稳定。    
    ①by doing sth是方式状语,意为“通过做某事”。    
    He made a living by selling his paintings。他以卖画为生。    
    We may solve the problem by negotiating。 我们可以通过谈判来解决这个问题。    
    by car/bus/train坐小汽车(公共汽车,火车)    
    by plane/air坐飞机    
    by spaceship坐宇宙飞船    
    by sea/boat/water坐船    
    15。The creatures on the ocean floor manage to survive without sunlight and get energy from other sources。(READING)生活在大洋底部的生物在没有太阳光的照射下成功地幸存下来,它们从其它地方获取能量。    
    —Would you like me to carry the box for you? 我帮你提箱子好吗?    
    —No; thanks。 I can manage。 谢谢,不必了,我自己能行。    
    Don’t  worry。 We’ll manage somehow。 别着急,我们总会有办法。    
    Many people wondered how they managed under such difficult conditions。许多人都不理解,在这样困难的条件下他们怎么坚持下来的。    
    It’s heavy; but I can manage。它很重,但我能搬得动。    
    Without her help; we would not have managed it。 没她的帮忙,我们是干不成的。    
    We managed to finish the work ahead of time。我们设法提前完成这项工作。    
    Do you think you can manage to get us some tickets? 你能设法给我们弄几张票吗?    
    If you can get the material; we can manage the money。 你们要是能搞到原料,资金我们能想办法。

Unit 13   The water planet单元语法知识归纳

    1。can和be able to用法    
    He can/is able to answer your questions without difficulties。他能毫无困难地回答你提出的问题。    
    ②can表示一般现在时,could表示一般过去时,be able to 可以用一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,过去将来时,现在完成时,过去完成时等时态。    
    I can tell all he has said。 他说的话,我全能说出来。    
    They will be able to tell you the news soon。他们很快就能告诉你消息了。    
    ③表示特定的某一过去的能力,而且动作已经完成,与情态动词may; must连用,与used to; seem; appear等连用,以不定式或动名词短语的形式在句子中出现,或在句中用作宾语补足语时,只能用be able to,不能用can。    
    He studied hard; and was able to pass his exams。    
    他学习很努力,所能能够通过考试。(不宜说…and could pass his exams。)    
    2。在Could you…?,Might she…?等句中的could或might并非过去时,而是表示语气上更加委婉或更加不确定。    
    Could you tell me his address?请你把他的地址告诉我好吗?    
    4。用于对当前发生的事情或情况的揣测时,may(might)可表示一件事或许会发生,或是某种情况可能会存在,只用于肯定句和否定句中,若用于疑问句,则须用can(could),而否定句可用can’t或couldn’t; 表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等态度,must表示揣测意为“必定”、“一定”,只用于肯定句中;对已经发生过的事情的揣测,要用“may/must + have + 过去分词”,“can/may not+have+过去分词” 等形式。    
    Liu Juan cannot be at home。 I saw her in the reading…room a moment ago。刘娟决不可能在家里,我刚才还看见她在阅览室里。    
    Can he have left? His bag isn’t  in the room。难道他走了吗?他的包不在屋里了。    
    You must be joking。你一定是在开玩笑。    
    5。must当意为“必须”,“应该”时,若说明过去的事,通常不用must而用had to,但在间接引语里往往用must。    
    I have to go to bed now; for Mother asks me to do so。
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