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herself to think about the meaning of that horror; Dr。 Eger believes she has bee better able to
help others understand events that seem inexplicable in the context of their everyday lives。
The fundamental human desire to prehend the nature of one’s existence that motivated Dr。 Eger
was eloquently described by another survivor of Auschwitz; Italian writer Primo Levi。 He reports;
“It might be surprising that in the camps one of the most frequent states of mind was curiosity。 And
yet; besides being frightened; humiliated; and desperate; we were curious: hungry for bread and
also to understand。 The world around us was upside down and somebody must have turned it
upside down 。 。 。 to twist that which was straight; to befoul that which was clean” (Levi; 1985; p。
Edith took her mother’s last words to heart。 No one can take away what she has put in her brain。
No one can take away what you have put in your brain。 By being a psychotherapist; Dr。 Eger
chose a career in which she helps others cope with personal realities that defy rational explanation。
Noting that today’s college students have little knowledge of the Holocaust; she hopes “that some
day; when they are ready; my grandchildren will have the curiosity to ask their grandmother
questions about the time when the world was turned upside down。 So that if it starts tilting again;
they and million of others can redress it before it is too late” (p。 9)。
Intelligence and Intelligence Assessment
On pletion of this chapter; students should be able to:
1。 Describe both the original purposes of psychological assessment and the purposes for
which it is monly used today
2。 Identify the methods used to assess individual differences in practice
3。 Define reliability and validity
4。 pare and contrast the major theories of individual differences
5。 Define the construct of intelligence
6。 Describe Binet’s approach to intelligence testing
7。 municate what is meant by the “politics of intelligence”
8。 Identify objective and projective intelligence tests
9。 Explain the differences between intelligence tests that are theory based and those that are
empirically based
I。 What Is Assessment?
A。 Psychological Assessment is the use of specified testing procedures to evaluate the abilities;
behaviors; and personal qualities of people
B。 History of Assessment
1。 Methods used in China in the 1800s were observed by missionaries
and later brought to England
2。 Sir Francis Galton was a central figure in the development Western
intelligence testing
a) Tried to apply Darwinian evolutionary theory to the study of
human abilities
b) Postulated four ideas regarding intelligence assessment
(i) Differences in intelligence were quantifiable
(ii) Differences between individuals formed a normal
(iii) Intelligence could be measured objectively
(iv) The extent to which two sets of test scores were
related could be statistically determined by a
procedure he called co…relation; later to bee
c) Galton began the eugenics movement; advocation of improving
humankind by selective inbreeding while discouraging
reproduction among the biologically inferior
C。 Basic Features of Formal Assessment
1。 Formal assessment procedures should meet three requirements:
a) Reliability: Instruments must be trusted to give consistent
b) Validity: Instruments must measure what the assessor intends
it to measure
c) Standardization: Instruments must be administered to all
persons in the same way under the same conditions
2。 Methods of obtaining reliability; validity; and standardization:
a) Reliability
(i) Test…retest reliability
(ii) Parallel forms
(iii) Internal consistency
Split…half reliability
b) Validity
(i) Face validity
(ii) Criterion validity; or predictive validity
(iii) Construct validity
3。 Norms and Standardization
a) Norms are typical scores or statistics
b) Standardization is the administration of a testing device to all
II。Intelligence Assessment
A。 Intelligence is a very general mental capability that; among other things; involves the
ability to reason; plan; solve problems; think abstractly; prehend plex ideas; learn
quickly; and learn from experience
B。 Origins of Intelligence Testing
1。 Alfred Binet developed an objective test that could classify and
separate developmentally disabled children from normal
a) Designed age…appropriate test items
b) puted average scores for normal children at different ages
expressed in mental age and chronological age
2。 Features of Binet’s approach
a) Scores interpreted as an estimate of current performance; not
as a measure of innate intelligence
b) Wanted scores to identify children needing special help; not
to stigmatize them
c) Emphasized training and opportunity
d) Constructed his test on empirical; rather than theoretical; data
C。 IQ Tests
1。 The Stanford…Binet Intelligence Scale
a) Adapted for American schoolchildren by Lewis Terman of
Stanford University。
b) Provided a base for the concept of intelligence quotient (IQ);
with “IQ being the ratio of mental age (MA) to chronological
age (CA); multiplied by 100” (in order to eliminate decimals)
c) IQ = MA 。 CA ′ 100
d) Revised in 1937; 1960; 1972; and 1986
2。 The Wechsler Intelligence Scales
a) Wechsler—Bellevue Intelligence Scale developed by David
Wechsler and first published in 1939
b) Renamed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) in
1955 and revised and re…released in 1981 (WAIS…R)
c) WAIS…R is designed for individuals 18 years of age and older;
and has six verbal and five performance subtests:
(i) Verbal
(a) Information
(b) Vocabulary
(e) prehension
(d) Arithmetic
(e) Similarities
(f) Digit span
(ii) Performance
(a) Block design
(b) Digit symbol
(c) Picture arrangement
(d) Picture pletion
(e) Object assembly
d) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; 3rd Ed。 (WISC…III) (1991)
designed for children ages 6 to 17 years
e) Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence; Revised
(WPPSI…R) (1989) designed for children ages 4 to 6。5 years
III。 Theories of Intelligence
A。 Psychometric Theories of Intelligence
1。 The most monly used statistical technique is factor analysis
2。 The goal of factor analysis is to identify the basic psychological
dimensions of the concept being investigated
3。 Individual contributors
a) Charles Spearman concluded presence of “g;” a general
intelligence underlying all intelligent performance
b) Raymond Cattell determined general intelligence could be
broken into two relatively independent ponents
(i) Crystallized intelligence; the knowledge the
individual has already acquired and the ability to
access that knowledge
(ii) Fluid intelligence; the ability to see plex
relationships and solve problems
c) J。 P。 Guilford developed the structure of intellect model
specifying three features of intellectual tasks:
(i) Content; or type of information
(ii) Product; or form in which information is presented
(iii) Operation; or type of mental activity performed
B。 Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
1。 Stresses importance of cognitive processes in problem solving
2。 Three types of intelligence represent different ways of characterizing
effective performance
a) ponential intelligence is defined by the ponent or
mental processes that underlie thinking and problem solving
b) Experiential intelligence captures people’s ability to deal with
two extremes: novel vs。 very routine problems
c) Contextual intelligence is reflected in the practical management
of day…to…day affairs
C。 Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences and Emotional Intelligence
1。 Theory expands the definition of intelligence beyond skills covered on
an IQ test
2。 Gardner identifies num