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〃 and a smile of contentment stole over his face; 〃perhaps i have nature herself up there。 at times i am half afraid that a breath may waken her; and that she will escape me。〃

he rose to his feet as if to set out at once。

〃aha!〃 said porbus; 〃i have e just in time to save you the trouble and expense of a journey。〃

〃what?〃 asked frenhofer in amazement。

〃young poussin is loved by a woman of inparable and flawless beauty。 but; dear master; if he consents to lend her to you; at the least you ought to let us see your work。〃

the old man stood motionless and pletely dazed。

〃what!〃 he cried piteously at last; 〃show you my creation; my bride? rend the veil that has kept my happiness sacred? it would be an infamous profanation。 for ten years i have lived with her; she is mine; mine alone; she loves me。 has she not smiled at me; at each stroke of the brush upon the canvas? she has a soulthe soul that i have given her。 she would blush if any eyes but mine should rest on her。 to exhibit her! where is the husband; the lover so vile as to bring the woman he loves to dishonor? when you paint a picture for the court; you do not put your whole soul into it; to courtiers you sell lay figures duly colored。 my painting is no painting; it is a sentiment; a passion。 she was born in my studio; there she must dwell in maiden solitude; and only when clad can she issue thence。 poetry and women only lay the last veil aside for their lovers have we rafaels model; ariostos angelica; dantes beatrice? nay; only their form and semblance。 but this picture; locked away above in my studio; is an exception in our art。 it is not a canvas; it is a womana woman with whom i talk。 i share her thoughts; her tears; her laughter。 would you have me fling aside these ten years of happiness like a cloak? would you have me cease at once to be father; lover; and creator? she is not a creature; but a creation。

〃bring your young painter here。 i will give him my treasures; i will give him pictures by correggio and michelangelo and titian; i will kiss his footprints in the dust; but make him my rival! shame on me。 ah! ah! i am a lover first; and then a painter。 yes; with my latest sigh i could find strength to burn my belle noiseuse; butpel her to endure the gaze of a stranger; a young man and a painter!ah! no; no! i would kill him on the morrow who should sully her with a glance! nay; you; my friend; i would kill you with my own hands in a moment if you did not kneel in reverence before her! now; will you have me submit my idol to the careless eyes and senseless criticisms of fools? ah! love is a mystery; it can only live hidden in the depths of the heart。 you say; even to your friend; behold her whom i love; and there is an end of love。〃

the old man seemed to have grown young again; there was light and life in his eyes; and a faint flush of red in his pale face。 his hands shook。 porbus was so amazed by the passionate vehemence of frenhofers words that he knew not what to reply to this utterance of an emotion as strange as it was profound。 was frenhofer sane or mad? had he fallen a victim to some freak of the artists fancy? or were these ideas of his produced by the strange lightheadedness which es over us during the long travail of a work of art。 would it be possible to e to terms with this singular passion?

harassed by all these doubts; porbus spoke〃is it not woman for woman?〃 he said。 〃does not poussin submit his mistress to your gaze?〃

〃what is she?〃 retorted the other。 〃a mistress who will be false to him sooner or later。 mine will be faithful to me forever。〃

〃well; well;〃 said porbus; 〃let us say no more about it。 but you may die before you will find such a flawless beauty as hers; even in asia; and then your picture will be left unfinished。

〃oh! it is finished;〃 said frenhof er。 〃standing before it you would think that it was a living woman lying on the velvet couch beneath the shadow of the curtains。 perfumes are burning on a golden tripod by her side。 you would be tempted to lay your hand upon the tassel of the cord that holds back the curtains; it would seem to you that you saw her breast rise and fall as she breathed; that you beheld the living catherine lescault; the beautiful courtezan whom men called la belle noiseuse。 and yetif i could but be sure〃

〃then go to asia;〃 returned porbus; noticing a certain indecision in frenhofers face。 and with that porbus made a few steps toward the door。 by that time gillette and nicolas poussin had reached frenhofers house。 the girl drew away her arm from her lovers as she stood on the threshold; and shrank back as if some presentiment flashed through her mind。

〃oh! what have i e to do here?〃 she asked of her lover in low vibrating tones; with her eyes fixed on his。

〃gillette; i have left you to decide; i am ready to obey you in everything。 you are my conscience and my glory。 go home again; i shall be happier; perhaps; if you do not〃

〃am i my own when you speak to me like that? no; no; i am a child。e;〃 she added; seemingly with a violent effort; 〃if our love dies; if i plant a long regret in my heart; your fame will be the reward of my obedience to your wishes; will it not? let us go in。 i shall still live on as a memory on your palette; that shall be life for me afterward。〃

the door opened; and the two lovers encountered porbus; who was surprised by the beauty of gillette; whose eyes were full of tears。 he hurried her; trembling from head to foot; into the presence of the old painter。

〃here!〃 he cried; 〃is she not worth all the masterpieces in the world!〃

frenhofer trembled。 there stood gillette in the artless and childlike attitude of some timid and innocent georgian; carried off by brigands; and confronted with a slave merchant。 a shamefaced red flushed her face; her eyes drooped; her hands hung by her side; her strength seemed to have failed her; her tears protested against this outrage。 poussin cursed himself in despair that he should have brought his fair treasure from its hiding…place。 the lover overcame the artist; and countless doubts assailed poussins heart when he saw youth dawn in the old mans eyes; as; like a painter; he discerned every line of the form hidden beneath the young girls vesture。 then the lovers savage jealousy awoke。

〃gillette!〃 he cried; 〃let us go。〃

the girl turned joyously at the cry and the tone in which it was uttered; raised her eyes to his; looked at him; and fled to his arms。

〃ah! then you love me;〃 she cried; 〃you love me!〃 and she burst into tears。

she had spirit enough to suffer in silence; but she had no strength to hide her joy。

〃oh! leave her with me for one moment;〃 said the old painter; 〃and you shall pare her with my catherine。。。 yesi consent。〃

frenhofers words likewise came from him like a lovers cry。 his vanity seemed to be engaged for his semblance of womanhood; he anticipated the triumph of the beauty of his own creation over the beauty of the living girl。

〃do not give him time to change his mind!〃 cried porbus; striking poussin on the shoulder。 〃the flower of love soon fades; but the flower of art is immortal。〃

〃then am i only a woman now for him?〃 said gillette。 she was watching poussin and porbus closely。

she raised her head proudly; she glanced at frenhofer; and her eyes flashed; then as she saw how her lover had fallen again to gazing at the portrait which he had taken at first for a giorgione

〃ah!〃 she cried; 〃let us go up to the studio。 he never gave me such a look。〃

the sound of her voice recalled poussin from his dreams。

〃old man;〃 he said; 〃do you see this blade? i will plunge it into your heart at the first cry from this young girl; i will set fire to your house; and no one shall leave it alive。 do you understand?〃

nicolas poussin scowled; every word was a menace。 gillette took fort from the young painters bearing; and yet more from that gesture; and almost forgave him for sacrificing her to his art and his glorious future。

porbus and poussin stood at the door of the studio and looked at each other in silence。 at first the painter of the saint mary of egypt hazarded some exclamations: 〃ah! she has taken off her clothes; he told her to e into the lighthe is paring the two!〃 but the si
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