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Kepner; Charles H。; and Benjamin B。 Tregoe。 The Rational 
Manager: A Systematic Approach to Problem Solving and 
Decision Making。 New York: McGraw…Hill; 1965; p。55 
(deviations; want got gaps)。 

Kotter; John P。; and Leonard A。 Schlesinger。 〃Choosing 
Strategies for Change。〃 Harvard Business Review; Vol。 57; 
No。2 (March/April 1980); pp。106…144。 Copyright ó1980 by 
the President and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights 
reserved (strategies for change)。 

Levine; Joshua。 〃Dare e togliere (give and tade away)。〃 
Forbes; October 28; 1991; p。115 (Armani)。Tannenbaum; 
Robert; and Warren H。 Schmidt。 〃How to Choose a Leadership 
Pattern。〃 Harvard Business Review; Vol。 51; No。 3(May/June 
1973); pp。 162…173。 Copyrightó 1973 by the President and 
Fellows of Harvard College; all rights reserved。 

Zierden; William E。 〃A Framework for Understanding 
Organizations;〃 Darden School Case UVA…OB…187; copyrightó 
1982 by the Darden Graduate Business School Foundation; 
Charlottesville; Virginia (the basic organization model)。 


〃Cash Flow and the Time Value of Money;〃 Case 9…177012; 
copyrightó 1976 by the President and Fellows of 
Harvard College; all rights reserved。 

Frey; Sherwood C。 〃Assessment and Use of Probability 
Distributions;〃 Case UVA…Q…294; copyrightó 1983 by the 
Darden Graduate Business School Foundation; 
Charlottesville; Virginia。 

—。 〃Probability Assessment with the Aid of Historical 
Data;〃 Case UVA…Q…288; copyrightó 1983 by the Darden 
Graduate Business School Foundation; Charlottesville; 

〃An Introduction to Decision Analysis;〃 Case 181…046; 
copyrightó 1980 by the President and Fellows of Harvard 
College; all rights reserved。 

〃Notes on Decision Diagrams;〃 Case 9…171…035; 
copyrightó 1970 by the President and Fellows of Harvard 
College; all rights reserved。 

Oksman; Warren; and Sherwood C。 Frey。 〃Introduction to 
Analytical Probability Distributions;〃 Case UVA…Q…205; 
copyrightó 1980 by the Darden Graduate Business School 
Foundation; Charlottesville; Virginia。 

Pfeifer; Phillip E。 〃Forecasting Using Data;〃 Case 
UVA…QA…381; copyrightó 1988 by the Darden Graduate 
Business School Foundation; Charlottesville; Virginia。 

Que Corporation; Using 1…2…3; Carmel; Ind。: Que 
Corporation; 1987; p。514 (regression)。 


Cooper; Carol。 〃The Forbes 500。〃 Forbes; April 27; 1992; 

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Dreman; David。 〃Bye…bye to Beta。〃 Forbes; March 30; 1992; 
p。 148 (beta)。 
〃Japanese Firms Pull Southland Corp。 from Chapter 11。〃 
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Byrne; John A。 〃Business Fads: What's In…and Out。〃 
Business Week; January 20; 1986; p。54 (CPM)。 

〃Constructing and Using Process Control Charts;〃 Case 
9…686…118; copyrightó 1986 by the President and Fellows 
of Harvard College; all rights reserved (SPC)。 

Davis; Edward W。 〃Material Requirements Planning;〃 Case 
UVAOM…279; copyrightó 1980 by the Darden Graduate Business 
School Foundation; Charlottesville; Virginia。 

Freeland; James R。 〃Managing Inventories;〃 Case UVAOM…
623; copyrightó 1987 by the Darden Graduate Business 

School Foundation; Charlottesville; Virginia。 

Landel; Robert D。 Managing Productivity Through People: 
An Operations Perspective; Chapter 3。 Englewood Cliffs; 
N。J。: Prentice … Hall; 1986; and Case UVA…OM…528; copyright 

ó1984 by the Darden Graduate Business School Foundation; 
Charlottesville; Virginia (queuing theory)。 
〃A Note on Quality: The Views of Deming; Juran and 
Crosby;〃 Case 9…678…011; copyrightó 1986 by the President 
and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights reserved。 

Savage; Sam L。 The ABC'S of Optimization Using What's 
Best! Oakland; Calif。: Holden…Day; Inc。; 1986; p。 I…17 
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Banks; Howard。 〃The World's Most petitive Economy。〃 
Forbes; March 30; 1992; pp。84; 85 (U。S。 trade deficits and 

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The Economic Intelligence Unit; London (economic 

Dornbusch; Rudiger (MIT/Chicago); and Stanley Fischer 
(MIT/Chicago)。 Macroeconomics。 New York: McGraw…Hill; 

Linden; Dana Wechsler。 〃Dreary Days in the Dismal 
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McConnell; Campbell R。 Economics。 New York: McGraw…Hill; 
1981; pp。453…455 (elasticity)。 

Rosenblum; John。 〃Country Analysis and General 
Managers;〃 Case 9…379…050; copyrightó 1987 by the 
President and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights 

Samuelson; Paul A。 (MIT)。 Economics。 New York: 
McGraw…Hill; 1980。2 

Sowell; Dr。 Thomas。 〃Galbraith Strikes Again。〃 Forbes; 
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Stern; Richard L。; 〃The Graying Wild Ones。〃 Forbes; 
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Allan; Gerald B。; and John S。 Hammond III。 〃Note on the 
Use of Experience Curves in petitive Decision Making;〃 
Case 175…174; copyrightó 1975 by the President and Fellows 
of Harvard College; all rights reserved。 

Bartlett; Christopher A。 〃Global petition and MNC 
Managers;〃 Case 9…385…287; copyrightó 1985 by the 
President and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights 

Bourgeois; L。J。 〃Note on Portfolio Techniques for 
Corporate Strategic Planning;〃 Case UVA…BP…292; 
copyrightó 1988 by the Darden Graduate Business School 
Foundation; Charlottesville; Virginia。 

Germane; Gayton E。 (Stanford)。 The Executive Course。 
Reading; Mass。: Addison…Wesley Publishing; 1987; 
pp。367…70 (linkages)。 

Montana; Patrick; and Bruce Charnov。 Management。 New 
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Paley; Norton。 Manager's Guide to petitive Marketing 
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1989; p。6 (P&G Bounce)。 

Pascale; Richard T。; and E。 Tatum Christiansen。 〃Honda 
(A); (B);〃 Cases 9…384…049; 050; copyrightó 1983 by the 
President and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights 
reserved (two versions of Honda)。 

Porter; Michael E。 petitive Strategy: Techniques for 
Analyzing Industries and petitors。 New Your: The Free 
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Quinn; James Brian。 〃Strategic Change: Logical 
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〃The World's Billionaires。〃 Forbes; July 22; 1991; 
pp。138…139 (Sony rivalry)。 

Case Sources: 

Darden Graduate School of Business 
Educational Materials Service 
University of Virginia; Box 6550 
Charlottesville; VA 22906…6550 
Attn: Ann Morris; Director 
804…924…3009; FAX 804…924…4859 

Harvard Business School Case Services 
Harvard Business Review 
Publishing Division 
Boston; MA 02163 




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