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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第94章

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After Mr。 Heffernan died late in 1990; his family decided to sell the pany … and here we got lucky。 I had known Frank for a few years but not well enough for him to think of Berkshire as a possible buyer。 He instead gave the assignment of selling Brown to a major investment banker; which failed also to think of us。 But last spring Frank was playing golf in Florida with John Loomis; a long…time friend of mine as well as a Berkshire shareholder; who is always on the alert for something that might fit us。 Hearing about the impending sale of Brown; John told Frank that the pany should be right up Berkshire's alley; and Frank promptly gave me a call。 I thought right away that we would make a deal and before long it was done。
之后在1990年Heffernan先生过世,他的家人决定要把公司卖掉,所以我们的机会就来了,那时我们认识Frank也有好几年了,但没有好到让他认为Berkshire是布朗鞋业合适的买主,反而他把卖公司的事交给一家投资银行来负责,可想而知投资银行绝对不会想到我们,但是就在去年春天,Frank跟John Loomis一起到佛罗里达打高尔夫球,John是我多年的好友,同时也是Berkshire的股东,他总是随时注意有没有适合我们投资的对象,在听到布朗鞋业即将出售的消息之后,John告诉Frank说这家公司应该要投到Berkshire的麾下,而Frank也从善如流马上打了通电话给我,我当下觉得我们应该可以谈得成,果然在不久之后,整个交易便确定了。
Much of my enthusiasm for this purchase came from Frank's willingness to continue as CEO。 Like most of our managers; he has no financial need to work but does so because he loves the game and likes to excel。 Managers of this stripe cannot be 〃hired〃 in the normal sense of the word。 What we must do is provide a concert hall in which business artists of this class will wish to perform。
Brown (which; by the way; has no connection to Brown Shoe of St。 Louis) is the leading North American manufacturer of work shoes and boots; and it has a history of earning unusually fine margins on sales and assets。 Shoes are a tough business … of the billion pairs purchased in the United States each year; about 85% are imported … and most manufacturers in the industry do poorly。 The wide range of styles and sizes that producers offer causes inventories to be heavy; substantial capital is also tied up in receivables。 In this kind of environment; only outstanding managers like Frank and the group developed by Mr。 Heffernan can prosper。
A distinguishing characteristic of H。 H。 Brown is one of the most unusual pensation systems I've encountered … but one that warms my heart: A number of key managers are paid an annual salary of 7;800; to which is added a designated percentage of the profits of the pany after these are reduced by a charge for capital employed。 These managers therefore truly stand in the shoes of owners。 In contrast; most managers talk the talk but don't walk the walk; choosing instead to employ pensation systems that are long on carrots but short on sticks (and that almost invariably treat equity capital as if it were cost…free)。 The arrangement at Brown; in any case; has served both the pany and its managers exceptionally well; which should be no surprise: Managers eager to bet heavily on their abilities usually have plenty of ability to bet on。
It's discouraging to note that though we have on four occasions made major purchases of panies whose sellers were represented by prominent investment banks; we were in only one of these instances contacted by the investment bank。 In the other three cases; I myself or a friend initiated the transaction at some point after the investment bank had solicited its own list of prospects。 We would love to see an intermediary earn its fee by thinking of us … and therefore repeat here what we're looking for:
(1) Large purchases (at least 10 million of after…tax earnings);
(2) Demonstrated consistent earning power (future projections are of little interest to us; nor are 〃turnaround〃 situations);
(3) Businesses earning good returns on equity while employing little or no debt;
(4) Management in place (we can't supply it);
(5) Simple businesses (if there's lots of technology; we won't understand it);
(6) An offering price (we don't want to waste our time or that of the seller by talking; even preliminarily; about a transaction when price is unknown)。
We will not engage in unfriendly takeovers。 We can promise plete confidentiality and a very fast answer … customarily within five minutes … as to whether we're interested。 (With Brown; we didn't even need to take five。) We prefer to buy for cash; but will consider issuing stock when we receive as much in intrinsic business value as we give。
Our favorite form of purchase is one fitting the pattern through which we acquired Nebraska Furniture Mart; Fechheimer's and Borsheim's。 In cases like these; the pany's owner…managers wish to generate significant amounts of cash; sometimes for themselves; but often for their families or inactive shareholders。 At the same time; these managers wish to remain significant owners who continue to run their panies just as they have in the past。 We think we offer a particularly good fit for owners with such objectives and we invite potential sellers to check us out by contacting people with whom we have done business in the past。
我们最喜欢的交易对象之一是像B太太… Heldman家族那样,公司经营者希望能马上有一大笔现金,不管是给自己、家人或是其它股东,最好这些经营者如往常一样能够继续留在公司,我想我们可以提供具有以上想法的经营者,一个满意的方式,我们也欢迎可能的卖方与那些过去与我们合作过的对象打听。
Charlie and I frequently get approached about acquisitions that don't e close to meeting our tests: We've found that if you advertise an interest in buying collies; a lot of people will call hoping to sell you their cocker spaniels。 A line from a country song expresses our feeling about new ventures; turnarounds; or auction…like sales: 〃When the phone don't ring; you'll know it's me。〃
Besides being interested in the purchase of businesses as described above; we are also interested in the negotiated purchase of large; but not controlling; blocks of stock parable to those we
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