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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第93章

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ciative of the value of an economic franchise; looked at the pany's mere 7 million of tangible net worth and said 25 million was as high as we would go (and we meant it)。 Fortunately; the sellers accepted our offer。
The sales of trading stamps by Blue Chip thereafter declined from 102。5 million in 1972 to 1。2 million in 1991。 But See's candy sales in the same period increased from 29 million to 196 million。 Moreover; profits at See's grew even faster than sales; from 4。2 million pre…tax in 1972 to 42。4 million last year。
For an increase in profits to be evaluated properly; it must be pared with the incremental capital investment required to produce it。 On this score; See's has been astounding: The pany now operates fortably with only 25 million of net worth; which means that our beginning base of 7 million has had to be supplemented by only 18 million of reinvested earnings。 Meanwhile; See's remaining pre…tax profits of 410 million were distributed to Blue Chip/Berkshire during the 20 years for these panies to deploy (after payment of taxes) in whatever way made most sense。
In our See's purchase; Charlie and I had one important insight: We saw that the business had untapped pricing power。 Otherwise; we were lucky twice over。 First; the transaction was not derailed by our dumb insistence on a 25 million price。 Second; we found Chuck Huggins; then See's executive vice…president; whom we instantly put in charge。 Both our business and personal experiences with Chuck have been outstanding。 One example: When the purchase was made; we shook hands with Chuck on a pensation arrangement … conceived in about five minutes and never reduced to a written contract … that remains unchanged to this day。
在买下喜斯时,有一点是我们已预见的,那就是它尚未被发掘的订价能力,另外我们有两方面算是很幸运,第一整个交易还好没有因为我们愚昧地坚持2;500万美元的上限而告吹,第二我们选中Chuck Huggins…当时喜斯糖果的副总经理,立即走马上任,不管是在公事或是私人方面,我们与Chuck共处的经验都相当难得,有一个例子可以说明,当购并案完成后,我们在短短五分钟内就与Chuck协议好他担任总经理的薪资报酬,而且连书面契约都没有签,就一直延续到今天。
In 1991; See's sales volume; measured in dollars; matched that of 1990。 In pounds; however; volume was down 4%。 All of that slippage took place in the last two months of the year; a period that normally produces more than 80% of annual profits。 Despite the weakness in sales; profits last year grew 7%; and our pre…tax profit margin was a record 21。6%。
Almost 80% of See's sales e from California and our business clearly was hurt by the recession; which hit the state with particular force late in the year。 Another negative; however; was the mid…year initiation in California of a sales tax of 7%…8? (depending on the county involved) on 〃snack food〃 that was deemed applicable to our candy。
Shareholders who are students of epistemological shadings will enjoy California's classifications of 〃snack〃 and 〃non…snack〃 foods:
Taxable 〃Snack〃 Foods Non…Taxable 〃Non…Snack〃 Foods、Ritz Crackers Soda Crackers、Popped Popcorn Unpopped Popcorn、Granola Bars Granola Cereal、Slice of Pie (Wrapped) Whole Pie、Milky Way Candy Bar 、Milky Way Ice Cream BarWhat … you are sure to ask … is the tax status of a melted Milky Way ice cream bar? In that androgynous form; does it more resemble an ice cream bar or a candy bar that has been left in the sun? It's no wonder that Brad Sherman; Chairman of California's State Board of Equalization; who opposed the snack food bill but must now administer it; has said: 〃I came to this job as a specialist in tax law。 Now I find my constituents should have elected Julia Child。〃
你一定会问,那融化的牛奶冰淇淋棒要不要课税呢? 在这种仿真两可的状态下,它到底是比较像冰淇淋棒还是在大太阳底下的糖果棒呢? 也难怪Brad Sherman…加州公平交易委员会的主席,虽然反对这项法案但还是必须负责监督执行,他提到我以税务专家的身分到这个委员会任职,但我觉得大家要选的对象,应该是小孩子才对。
Charlie and I have many reasons to be thankful for our association with Chuck and See's。 The obvious ones are that we've earned exceptional returns and had a good time in the process。 Equally important; ownership of See's has taught us much about the evaluation of franchises。 We've made significant money in certain mon stocks because of the lessons we learned at See's。
H。 H。 Brown布朗鞋业
We made a sizable acquisition in 1991 … the H。 H。 Brown pany … and behind this business is an interesting history。 In 1927 a 29…year…old businessman named Ray Heffernan purchased the pany; then located in North Brookfield; Massachusetts; for 10;000 and began a 62…year career of running it。 (He also found time for other pursuits: At age 90 he was still joining new golf clubs。) By Mr。 Heffernan's retirement in early 1990 H。 H。 Brown had three plants in the United States and one in Canada; employed close to 2;000 people; and earned about 25 million annually before taxes。
我们在1991年做了一件大型的购并案,那就是买下布朗鞋业,这背后有一段有趣的故事,1927年时有一位29岁的年轻商人…Ray Heffernan以10;000美元买下这家公司,并把它搬到麻赛诸赛州,从此展开长达62年的事业(当然同时他还有其它追求的目标,高龄90岁的他现在还在加入新的高尔夫球俱乐部),等1990年Heffernan先生宣布退休时,布朗鞋业在美国已有三座工厂,还有另外一座在加拿大,每年的税前获利约有2;500万美元。
Along the way; Frances Heffernan; one of Ray's daughters; married Frank Rooney; who was sternly advised by Mr。 Heffernan before the wedding that he had better forget any ideas he might have about working for his father…in…law。 That was one of Mr。 Heffernan's few mistakes: Frank went on to bee CEO of Melville Shoe (now Melville Corp。)。 During his 23 years as boss; from 1964 through 1986; Melville's earnings averaged more than 20% on equity and its stock (adjusted for splits) rose from 16 to 960。 And a few years after Frank retired; Mr。 Heffernan; who had fallen ill; asked him to run Brown。
这期间Heffernan的一个女儿Frances嫁给了Frank Rooney,当时Heffernan严正地告诉他的女婿最好断了想要参与经营布朗鞋业的念头,但这却是Heffernan先生所犯下的少数错误之一,Frank后来跑到另外一家鞋业Melville担任CEO,在他从1964年到1986年担任主管的期间,Mellville每年的股东权益报酬高达20%,而股价更从16元涨到960元(经过还原后),而在Frank退休多年后,Heffernan先生因为生病,才叫Frank回来经营布朗鞋业。
After Mr。 Heffernan died late in 1990; his family decided to sell the pany … and here we got lucky。 I had known Frank for a few years but not well enough for him to think of Berkshire a
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