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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第90章

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A Second Job第二件工作
In 1989 when I … a happy consumer of five cans of Cherry Coke daily … announced our purchase of 1 billion worth of Coca…Cola stock; I described the move as a rather extreme example of putting our money where my mouth was。 On August 18 of last year; when I was elected Interim Chairman of Salomon Inc; it was a different story: I put my mouth where our money was。
You've all read of the events that led to my appointment。 My decision to take the job carried with it an implicit but important message: Berkshire's operating managers are so outstanding that I knew I could materially reduce the time I was spending at the pany and yet remain confident that its economic progress would not skip a beat。 The Blumkins; the Friedman family; Mike Goldberg; the Heldmans; Chuck Huggins; Stan Lipsey; Ralph Schey and Frank Rooney (CEO of H。H。 Brown; our latest acquisition; which I will describe later) are all masters of their operations and need no help from me。 My job is merely to treat them right and to allocate the capital they generate。 Neither function is impeded by my work at Salomon。
我想大家应该都已经从报上看过有关我个人任命为所罗门董事会临时主席的报导,我之所以愿意接受这个职位具有一个深刻且重要的意义,那就是Berkshire旗下事业的经理人是如此的优秀,让我可能很放心的时间摆在别的心思之上,而完全不必担心公司的营运会走样,Blumkins家族、Friedman 家族、Mike Goldberg、the Heldmans、Chuck Huggins、Stan Lipsey 、Ralph Schey与Frank Rooney(我们最新购并的HH Brown鞋业的CEO,后面还会有详细的介绍)等人,都是所属产业的龙头,因此根本就不需要我个人的协助,我的工作只是要思考如何更公平合理地对待他们,同时有效地运用他们所产生出来的资金,而这两方面都不会因为我在所罗门的工作而受到影响。
The role that Charlie and I play in the success of our operating units can be illustrated by a story about George Mira; the one…time quarterback of the University of Miami; and his coach; Andy Gustafson。 Playing Florida and near its goal line; Mira dropped back to pass。 He spotted an open receiver but found his right shoulder in the unshakable grasp of a Florida linebacker。 The right…handed Mira thereupon switched the ball to his other hand and threw the only left…handed pass of his life … for a touchdown。 As the crowd erupted; Gustafson calmly turned to a reporter and declared: 〃Now that's what I call coaching。〃
查理跟我在这些成功的企业所扮演的角色,可以由迈阿密大学著名的四分卫…George Mira与他的教练…Andy Gustafson的故事来作说明,有一回在与佛罗里达大学对抗时,在终点线前,Mira突然煞车后退并准备传球,他看到有一个队友有空档,不过他的右手边却有一位难以摆脱的防守球员在侧,右撇子的Mira于是将球换到左手,并丢出生平第一次的左手传球,而后达阵成功,当所有的球迷疯狂地簇拥而上,教练Gustafson镇定地转向一位记者说到:「这都是因为我平常训练有素的缘故!」。
Given the managerial stars we have at our operating units; Berkshire's performance is not affected if Charlie or I slip away from time to time。 You should note; however; the 〃interim〃 in my Salomon title。 Berkshire is my first love and one that will never fade: At the Harvard Business School last year; a student asked me when I planned to retire and I replied; 〃About five to ten years after I die。〃
以我们现有的梦幻明星级的经营团队阵容来说,Berkshire的表现绝不会因为查理或是我偶尔跷班而有所影响,大家必须知道,我在所罗门的名衔只是暂时的, Berkshire才是我的最爱,而且是至死不渝的爱,去年在哈佛商学院,有学生问我何时会退休,我的回答是:「大概要等到我死后五到十年吧!」。
Sources of Reported Earnings帐列盈余的来源
The table below shows the major sources of Berkshire's reported earnings。 In this presentation; amortization of Goodwill and other major purchase…price accounting adjustments are notcharged against the specific businesses to which they apply; but are instead aggregated and shown separately。 This procedure lets you view the earnings of our businesses as they would have been reported had we not purchased them。 I've explained in past reports why this form of presentation seems to us to be more useful to investors and managers than one utilizing generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP); which require purchase…price adjustments to be made on a business…by…business basis。 The total net earnings we show in the table are; of course; identical to the GAAP total in our audited financial statements。
A large amount of additional information about these businesses is given on pages 33…47; where you also will find our segment earnings reported on a GAAP basis。 However; we will not in this letter discuss each of our non…insurance operations; as we have in the past。 Our businesses have grown in number … and will continue to grow … so it now makes sense to rotate coverage; discussing one or two in detail each year。
(000s omitted) Berkshire's Share of Net Earnings (after taxes and Pre…Tax Earnings minority interests)
1991 1990 1991 1990
Operating Earnings: Insurance Group:
Underwriting Net Investment Ine H。 H。 Brown (acquired 7/1/91) Buffalo News Fechheimer Kirby 。
1991 (119;593) 331;846 13;616 37;113 12;947 35;726
1990  (26;647) 327;047 … 43;954 12;450 27;445
1991  (77;229) 285;173 8;611 21;841 6;843 22;555
1990  (14;936) 282;613 … 25;981 6;605 17;613

Nebraska Furniture Mart Scott Fetzer Manufacturing Group See's Candies Wesco … other than Insurance World Book Amortization of Goodwill
1991 14;384 26;123 42;390 12;230 22;483 (4;113)
1990 17;248 30;378 39;580 12;441 31;896 (3;476)
1991 6;993 15;901 25;575 8;777 15;487 (4;098)
1990 8;485 18;458 23;892 9;676 20;420 (3;461)
Other Purchase…Price

Accounting Charges Interest Expense* Contributions Other
1991 (6;021) (89;250) (6;772) 77;399
1990 (5;951) (76;374) (5;824) 58;310
1991 (7;019) (57;165) (4;388) 47;896
1990 (6;856) (49;726) (3;801) 35;782

Operating Earnings Sales of Securities Total Earnings … All Entities
1991 400;508 192;478  592;986
1990 482;477 33;989  516;466
1991 315;753 124;155  439;908
1990 370;745 23;348  394;093 
*Excludes interest expense of Scott Fetzer Financial Group and 
Mutual Savings & Loan。
〃Look…Through〃 Earnings透视盈余
We've previously discussed look…through earnings; which consist of: (1) the operating earnings reported in the previous section; plus; (2) the retained operating earnings of major investees that; under GAAP accounting; are not reflected in our profits; less; (3) an allowance for the tax that would be paid by Berkshire if these retained earnings of investees had instead been distributed to us。
I've told you that over time look…through earnings must increase at about 15% annually if our intrinsic business value is to grow at that rate。 Indeed; since present management took over in 1965; our look…through earnings have grown at almost the identical 23% rate of gain recorded for book value。
Last year; however; our look…through earnings did not grow at all but rather declined by 14%。 To an extent; the decline was precipitated by two forces that I discussed in last year's report and that I warned 
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