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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第86章

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ion charge of some 47;000;000 yearly there will be an annual appreciation credit of 5%; or 50;000;000。 This will increase earnings by no less than 97;000;000 per annum。 
2。 Reduction of Par Value of mon Stock to 1¢; and 3。 Payment of Salaries and Wages in Option Warrants。 
Many corporations have been able to reduce their overhead expenses substantially by paying a large part of their executive salaries in the form of options to buy stock; which carry no charge against earnings。 The full possibilities of this modern device have apparently not been adequately realized。 The Board of Directors has adopted the following advanced form of this idea: 
The entire personnel of the Corporation are to receive their pensation in the form of rights to buy mon stock at 50 per share; at the rate of one purchase right for each 50 of salary and/or wages in their present amounts。 The par value of the mon stock is to be reduced to 1¢。 The almost incredible advantages of this new plan are evident from the following: 
A。 The payroll of the Corporation will be entirely eliminated; a saving of 250;000;000 per annum; based on 1935 operations。 
B。 At the same time; the effective pensation of all our employees will be increased several fold。 Because of the large earnings per share to be shown on our mon stock under the new methods; it is certain that the shares will mand a price in the market far above the option level of 50 per share; making the readily realizable value of these option warrants greatly in excess of the present cash wages that they will replace。 
C。 The Corporation will realize an additional large annual profit through the exercise of these warrants。 Since the par value of the mon stock will be fixed at 1¢; there will be a gain of 49。99 on each share subscribed for。 In the interest of conservative accounting; however; this profit will not be included in the ine account; but will be shown separately as a credit to Capital Surplus。 
D。 The Corporation's cash position will be enormously strengthened。 In place of the present annual cash outgo of 250;000;000 for wages (1935 basis); there will be annual cash inflow of 250;000;000 through exercise of the subscription warrants for 5;000;000 shares of mon stock。 The pany's large earnings and strong cash position will permit the payment of a liberal dividend which; in turn; will result in the exercise of these option warrants immediately after issuance which; in turn; will further improve the cash position which; in turn; will permit a higher dividend rate  and so on; indefinitely。 
4。 Inventories to be carried at 1。 
Serious losses have been taken during the depression due to the necessity of adjusting inventory value to market。 Various enterprises  notably in the metal and cotton…textile fields  have successfully dealt with this problem by carrying all or part of their inventories at extremely low unit prices。 The U。 S。 Steel Corporation has decided to adopt a still more progressive policy; and to carry its entire inventory at 1。 This will be effected by an appropriate write…down at the end of each year; the amount of said write…down to be charged to the Contingency Reserve hereinafter referred to。 
The benefits to be derived from this new method are very great。 Not only will it obviate all possibility of inventory depreciation; but it will substantially enhance the annual earnings of the Corporation。 The inventory on hand at the beginning of the year; valued at 1; will be sold during the year at an excellent profit。 It is estimated that our ine will be increased by means of this method to the extent of at least 150;000;000 per annum which; by a coincidence; will about equal the amount of the write…down to be made each year against Contingency Reserve。 
A minority report of the Special mittee remends that Accounts Receivable and Cash also be written down to 1; in the interest of consistency and to gain additional advantages similar to those just discussed。 This proposal has been rejected for the time being because our auditors still require that any recoveries of receivables and cash so charged off be credited to surplus instead of to the year's ine。 It is expected; however; that this auditing rule  which is rather reminiscent of the horse…and…buggy days  will soon be changed in line with modern tendencies。 Should this occur; the minority report will be given further and favorable consideration。 
5。 Replacement of Preferred Stock by Non…Interest…Bearing Bonds Redeemable at 50% Discount。 
5。将现有特别股改成不必马上支付利息50%折价发行的公司债。During the recent depression many panies have been able to offset their operating losses by including in ine profits arising from repurchases of their own bonds at a substantial discount from par。 Unfortunately the credit of U。 S。 Steel Corporation has always stood so high that this lucrative source of revenue has not hitherto been available to it。 The Modernization Scheme will remedy this condition。 
It is proposed that each share of preferred stock be exchanged for 300 face value of non…interest…bearing sinking…fund notes; redeemable by lot at 50% of face value in 10 equal annual installments。 This will require the issuance of 1;080;000;000 of new notes; of which 108;000;000 will be retired each year at a cost to the Corporation of only 54;000;000; thus creating an annual profit of the same amount。 
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