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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第46章

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spawned sixteen Ohio…based panies and resurrected many others。 Both Ohio and Berkshire are fortunate to have Ralph on their side。
It was in 1983 that Berkshire purchased an 80% interest in The Nebraska Furniture Mart。 Your Chairman blundered then by neglecting to ask Mrs。 B a question any schoolboy would have thought of: are there any more at home like you??Last month I corrected the error: We are now 80% partners with another branch of the family。
After Mrs。 B came over from Russia in 1917; her parents and five siblings followed。 (Her two other siblings had preceded her。) Among the sisters was Rebecca Friedman who; with her husband; Louis; escaped in 1922 to the west through Latvia in a journey as perilous as Mrs。 B earlier odyssey to the east through Manchuria。 When the family members reunited in Omaha they had no tangible assets。 However; they came equipped with an extraordinary bination of brains; integrity; and enthusiasm for work … and that all they needed。 They have since proved themselves invincible。
In 1948 Mr。 Friedman purchased Borsheim; a small Omaha jewelry store。 He was joined in the business by his son; Ike; in 1950 and; as the years went by; Ike son; Alan; and his sons…in…law; Marvin Cohn and Donald Yale; came in also。
You won’t be surprised to learn that this family brings to the jewelry business precisely the same approach that the Blumkins bring to the furniture business。 The cornerstone for both enterprises is Mrs。 B creed: sell cheap and tell the truth。?Other fundamentals at both businesses are: (1) single store operations featuring huge inventories that provide customers with an enormous selection across all price ranges; (2) daily attention to detail by top management; (3) rapid turnover; (4) shrewd buying; and (5) incredibly low expenses。 The bination of the last three factors lets both stores offer everyday prices that no one in the country es close to matching。
Most people; no matter how sophisticated they are in other matters; feel like babes in the woods when purchasing jewelry。 They can judge neither quality nor price。 For them only one rule makes sense: If you don know jewelry; know the jeweler。
I can assure you that those who put their trust in Ike Friedman and his family will never be disappointed。 The way in which we purchased our interest in their business is the ultimate testimonial。 Borsheim had no audited financial statements; nevertheless; we didn take inventory; verify receivables or audit the operation in any way。 Ike simply told us what was so  and on that basis we drew up a one…page contract and wrote a large check。
Business at Borsheim has mushroomed in recent years as the reputation of the Friedman family has spread。 Customers now e to the store from all over the country。 Among them have been some friends of mine from both coasts who thanked me later for getting them there。
Borsheim new links to Berkshire will change nothing in the way this business is run。 All members of the Friedman family will continue to operate just as they have before; Charlie and I will stay on the sidelines where we belong。 And when we say all members the words have real meaning。 Mr。 and Mrs。 Friedman; at 88 and 87; respectively; are in the store daily。 The wives of Ike; Alan; Marvin and Donald all pitch in at busy times; and a fourth generation is beginning to learn the ropes。
It is great fun to be in business with people you have long admired。 The Friedmans; like the Blumkins; have achieved success because they have deserved success。 Both families focus on what right for the customer and that; inevitably; works out well for them; also。 We couldn have better partners。
Insurance Operations
Shown below is an updated version of our usual table presenting key figures for the insurance industry:
Yearly Change bined Ratio Yearly Change Inflation Rate in Premiums After Policyholder in Incurred Measured by 
Written (%) Dividends Losses (%) GNP Deflator (%)
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988(Est。)
3。8 3。7 5。0 8。5 22。1 22。2 9。4 3。9
106。0 109。6 112。0 118。0 116。3 108。0 104。6 105。4
6。5 8。4 6。8 16。9 16。1 13。5 7。8 4。2
9。6 6。4 3。8 3。7 3。2 2。7 3。3 3。6
Source: A。M。 Best Co。
The bined ratio represents total insurance costs (losses incurred plus expenses) pared to revenue from premiums: A ratio below 100 indicates an underwriting profit; and one above 100 indicates a loss。 When the investment ine that an insurer earns from holding on to policyholders?funds (he float? is taken into account; a bined ratio in the 107…111 range typically produces an overall break…even result; exclusive of earnings on the funds provided by shareholders。
For the reasons laid out in previous reports; we expect the industry incurred losses to grow by about 10% annually; even in years when general inflation runs considerably lower。 If premium growth meanwhile materially lags that 10% rate; underwriting losses will mount; though the industry tendency to under reserve when business turns bad may obscure their size for a time。 As the table shows; the industry underwriting loss grew in 1988。 This trend is almost certain to continue … and probably will accelerate … for at least two more years。
The property…casualty insurance industry is not only subnormally profitable; it is subnormally popular。 (As Sam Goldwyn philosophized: n life; one must learn to take the bitter with the sour。? One of the ironies of business is that many relatively…unprofitable industries that are plagued by inadequate prices habitually find themselves beat upon
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