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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第45章

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Recently Dillard; one of the most successful department store operations in the country; entered the Omaha market。 In many of its stores; Dillard runs a full furniture department; undoubtedly doing well in this line。 Shortly before opening in Omaha; however; William Dillard; chairman of the pany; announced that his new store would not sell furniture。 Said he; referring to NFM: we don’t want to pete with them。 We think they are about the best there is。?
At the Buffalo News we extol the value of advertising; and our policies at NFM prove that we practice what we preach。 Over the past three years NFM has been the largest ROP advertiser in the Omaha World…Herald。 (ROP advertising is the kind printed in the paper; as contrasted to the preprinted…insert kind。) In no other major market; to my knowledge; is a home furnishings operation the leading customer of the newspaper。 At times; we also run large ads in papers as far away as Des Moines; Sioux City and Kansas City … always with good results。 It truly does pay to advertise; as long as you have something worthwhile to offer。
Mrs。 B’s son; Louie; and his boys; Ron and Irv; plete the winning Blumkin team。 It a joy to work with this family。 All its members have character that matches their extraordinary abilities。
Last year I stated unequivocally that pre…tax margins at The Buffalo News would fall in 1988。 That forecast would have proved correct at almost any other newspaper our size or larger。 But Stan Lipsey … bless him … has managed to make me look foolish。
去年我曾明确地表示水牛城日报1988年的税前盈余一定会下滑,事实证明要不是有Stan Lipsey,结果可能会如我所预测,与其它同规模的报纸同样地沉沦,很高兴Stan让我看起来很愚蠢。
Though we increased our prices a bit less than the industry average last year; and though our newsprint costs and wage rates rose in line with industry norms; Stan actually improved margins a tad。 No one in the newspaper business has a better managerial record。 He has achieved it; furthermore; while running a paper that gives readers an extraordinary amount of news。 We believe that our ewshole?percentage … the portion of the paper devoted to news … is bigger than that of any other dominant paper of our size or larger。 The percentage was 49。5% in 1988 versus 49。8% in 1987。 We are mitted to keeping it around 50%; whatever the level or trend of profit margins。
Charlie and I have loved the newspaper business since we were youngsters; and we have had great fun with the News in the 12 years since we purchased it。 We were fortunate to find Murray Light; a top…flight editor; on the scene when we arrived and he has made us proud of the paper ever since。
See’s Candies sold a record 25。1 million pounds in 1988。 Prospects did not look good at the end of October; but excellent Christmas volume; considerably better than the record set in 1987; turned the tide。
As we have told you before; See’s business continues to bee more Christmas…concentrated。 In 1988; the pany earned a record 90% of its full…year profits in December: 29 million out of 32。5 million before tax。 (It enough to make you believe in Santa Claus。) December deluge of business produces a modest seasonal bulge in Berkshire corporate earnings。 Another small bulge occurs in the first quarter; when most World Book annuals are sold。
Charlie and I put Chuck Huggins in charge of See about five minutes after we bought the pany。 Upon reviewing his record; you may wonder what took us so long。
查理跟我是在买下喜斯糖果五分钟之后,决定为Chuck Huggins负责这家公司的管理,在看过他这些年来的绩效之后,你可能会怀疑为何我们要考虑那么久!
At Fechheimer; the Heldmans … Bob; George; Gary; Roger and Fred … are the Cincinnati counterparts of the Blumkins。 Neither furniture retailing nor uniform manufacturing has inherently attractive economics。 In these businesses; only exceptional managements can deliver high returns on invested capital。 And that exactly what the five Heldmans do。 (As Mets announcer Ralph Kiner once said when paring pitcher Steve Trout to his father; Dizzy Trout; the famous Detroit Tigers pitcher: here a lot of heredity in that family。?
在费区海默,Heldmans家族就好象是B太太家族的辛辛那提版,不管是家具业或者是制服业都不会很有吸引力的行业,也只有好的管理才能让股东们获得好的投资报酬,这正是Heldmans五位家族成员为Berkshire所作的贡献,身为职棒大都会队的发言人,Ralph Kiner曾说比较该队投手Steve Trout与他的父亲Dizzy Trout也是老虎队名投手,你就会发现虎父无犬子。
Fechheimer made a fairly good…sized acquisition in 1988。 Charlie and I have such confidence in the business savvy of the Heldman family that we okayed the deal without even looking at it。 There are very few managements anywhere … including those running the top tier panies of the Fortune 500 … in which we would exhibit similar confidence。
Because of both this acquisition and some internal growth; sales at Fechheimer should be up significantly in 1989。
All of the operations managed by Ralph Schey … World Book; Kirby; and The Scott Fetzer Manufacturing Group … performed splendidly in 1988。 Returns on the capital entrusted to Ralph continue to be exceptional。
所有Ralph Schey所管理的事业,包含世界百科全书、寇比吸尘器与史考特费兹制造集团,在1988年的表现皆相当出色,投资其上的资金也获得相当不错的报酬。
Within the Scott Fetzer Manufacturing Group; particularly fine progress was recorded at its largest unit; Campbell Hausfeld。 This pany; the country leading producer of small and medium…sized air pressors; has more than doubled earnings since 1986。
Unit sales at both Kirby and World Book were up significantly in 1988; with export business particularly strong。 World Book became available in the Soviet Union in September; when that country largest American book store opened in Moscow。 Ours is the only general encyclopedia offered at the store。
Ralph personal productivity is amazing: In addition to running 19 businesses in superb fashion; he is active at The Cleveland Clinic; Ohio University; Case Western Reserve; and a venture capital operation that has spawned sixteen Ohio…based panies and resurrected many others。
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