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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第43章

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Further plicating the problem is the fact that manymanagements view GAAP not as a standard to be met; but as an obstacle to overe。 Too often their accountants willingly assist them。 (ow much says the client; s two plus two?? Replies the cooperative accountant; hat number did you have in mind?? Even honest and well…intentioned managements sometimes stretch GAAP a bit in order to present figures they think will more appropriately describe their performance。 Both the smoothing of earnings and the ig bath quarter are hit lie? techniques employed by otherwise upright managements。
Then there are managers who actively use GAAP to deceive and defraud。 They know that many investors and creditors accept GAAP results as gospel。 So these charlatans interpret the rules imaginatively and record business transactions in ways that technically ply with GAAP but actually display an economic illusion to the world。
As long as investors … including supposedly sophisticated institutions … place fancy valuations on reported arnings that march steadily upward; you can be sure that some managers and promoters will exploit GAAP to produce such numbers; no matter what the truth may be。 Over the years; Charlie and I have observed many accounting…based frauds of staggering size。 Few of the perpetrators have been punished; many have not even been censured。 It has been far safer to steal large sums with a pen than small sums with a gun。
Under one major change mandated by GAAP for 1988; we have been required to fully consolidate all our subsidiaries in our balance sheet and earnings statement。 In the past; Mutual Savings and Loan; and Scott Fetzer Financial (a credit pany that primarily finances installment sales of World Book and Kirby products) were consolidated on a one…line basis。 That meant we (1) showed our equity in their bined net worths as a single…entry asset on Berkshire consolidated balance sheet and (2) included our equity in their bined annual earnings as a single…line ine entry in our consolidated statement of earnings。 Now the rules require that we consolidate each asset and liability of these panies in our balance sheet and each item of their ine and expense in our earnings statement。
This change underscores the need for panies also to report segmented data: The greater the number of economically diverse business operations lumped together in conventional financial statements; the less useful those presentations are and the less able investors are to answer the three questions posed earlier。 Indeed; the only reason we ever prepare consolidated figures at Berkshire is to meet outside requirements。 On the other hand; Charlie and I constantly study our segment data。
Now that we are required to bundle more numbers in our GAAP statements; we have decided to publish additional supplementary information that we think will help you measure both business value and managerial performance。 (Berkshire ability to discharge its obligations to creditors … the third question we listed … should be obvious; whatever statements you examine。) In these supplementary presentations; we will not necessarily follow GAAP procedures; or even corporate structure。 Rather; we will attempt to lump major business activities in ways that aid analysis but do not swamp you with detail。 Our goal is to give you important information in a form that we would wish to get it if our roles were reversed。
On pages 41…47 we show separate bined balance sheets and earnings statements for: (1) our subsidiaries engaged in finance…type operations; which are Mutual Savings and Scott Fetzer Financial; (2) our insurance operations; with their major investment positions itemized; (3) our manufacturing; publishing and retailing businesses; leaving aside certain non…operating assets and purchase…price accounting adjustments; and (4) an all…other category that includes the non…operating assets (primarily marketable securities) held by the panies in (3) as well as various assets and debts of the Wesco and Berkshire parent panies。
If you bine the earnings and the net worths of these four segments; you will derive totals matching those shown on our GAAP statements。 However; we want to emphasize that our new presentation does not fall within the purview of our auditors; who in no way bless it。 (In fact; they may be horrified; I don’t want to ask。)
I referred earlier to a major change in GAAP that is expected in 1990。 This change relates to the calculation of deferred taxes; and is both plicated and controversial … so much so that its imposition; originally scheduled for 1989; was postponed for a year。
When implemented; the new rule will affect us in various ways。 Most important; we will be required to change the way we calculate our liability for deferred taxes on the unrealized appreciation of stocks held by our insurance panies。
Right now; our liability is layered。 For the unrealized appreciation that dates back to 1986 and earlier years; 1。2 billion; we have booked a 28% tax liability。 For the unrealized appreciation built up since; 600 million; the tax liability has been booked at 34%。 The difference reflects the increase in tax rates that went into effect in 1987。
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