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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第38章

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At Berkshire; we have found little to do in stocks during the past few years。 During the break in October; a few stocks fell to prices that interested us; but we were unable to make meaningful purchases before they rebounded。 At yearend 1987 we had no major mon stock investments (that is; over 50 million) other than those we consider permanent or arbitrage holdings。 However; Mr。 Market will offer us opportunities … you can be sure of that … and; when he does; we will be willing and able to participate。 
o In the meantime; our major parking place for money is medium…term tax…exempt bonds; whose limited virtues I explained in last year's annual report。 Though we both bought and sold some of these bonds in 1987; our position changed little overall; holding around 900 million。 A large portion of our bonds are 〃grandfathered〃 under the Tax Reform Act of 1986; which means they are fully tax…exempt。 Bonds currently purchased by insurance panies are not。 
As an alternative to short…term cash equivalents; our medium…term tax…exempts have … so far served us well。 They have produced substantial extra ine for us and are currently worth a bit above our cost。 Regardless of their market price; we are ready to dispose of our bonds whenever something better es along。 
o We continue to have an aversion to long…term bonds (and may be making a serious mistake by not disliking medium…term bonds as well)。 Bonds are no better than the currency in which they are denominated; and nothing we have seen in the past year … or past decade … makes us enthusiastic about the long…term future of U。S。 currency。 
Our enormous trade deficit is causing various forms of 〃claim checks〃 … U。S。 government and corporate bonds; bank deposits; etc。 … to pile up in the hands of foreigners at a distressing rate。 By default; our government has adopted an approach to its finances patterned on that of Blanche DuBois; of A Streetcar Named Desire; who said; 〃I have always depended on the kindness of strangers。〃 In this case; of course; the 〃strangers〃 are relying on the integrity of our claim checks although the plunging dollar has already made that proposition expensive for them。 
The faith that foreigners are placing in us may be misfounded。 When the claim checks outstanding grow sufficiently numerous and when the issuing party can unilaterally determine their purchasing power; the pressure on the issuer to dilute their value by inflating the currency bees almost irresistible。 For the debtor government; the weapon of inflation is the economic equivalent of the 〃H〃 bomb; and that is why very few countries have been allowed to swamp the world with debt denominated in their own currency。 Our past; relatively good record for fiscal integrity has let us break this rule; but the generosity accorded us is likely to intensify; rather than relieve; the eventual pressure on us to inflate。 If we do succumb to that pressure; it won't be just the foreign holders of our claim checks who will suffer。 It will be all of us as well。 
当然在债务问题失控之前,美国政府也会试着采取一些方法来抑制贸易逆差, (有关于这点,下滑的美元汇率或许会有帮助,只是同样地它又会造成另一种伤害),目前我们政府的做法跟乱世佳人里郝思佳的态度差不多一样,「明天再想办法吧!」,而几乎无可避免的对于财政问题的处理耽搁将会造成通货膨胀的后果。
Of course; the U。S。 may take steps to stem our trade deficit well before our position as a net debtor gets out of hand。 (In that respect; the falling dollar will help; though unfortunately it will hurt in other ways。) Nevertheless; our government's behavior in this test of its mettle is apt to be consistent with its Scarlett O'Hara approach generally: 〃I'll think about it tomorrow。〃 And; almost inevitably; procrastination in facing up to fiscal problems will have inflationary consequences。 
Both the timing and the sweep of those consequences are unpredictable。 But our inability to quantify or time the risk does not mean we should ignore it。 While recognizing the possibility that we may be wrong and that present interest rates may adequately pensate for the inflationary risk; we retain a general fear of long…term bonds。 
We are; however; willing to invest a moderate portion of our funds in this category if we think we have a significant edge in a specific security。 That willingness explains our holdings of the Washington Public Power Supply Systems #1; #2 and #3 issues; discussed in our 1984 report。 We added to our WPPSS position during 1987。 At yearend; we had holdings with an amortized cost of 240 million and a market value of 316 million; paying us tax…exempt ine of 34 million annually。 o We continued to do well in arbitrage last year; though … or perhaps because … we operated on a very limited scale。 We enter into only a few arbitrage mitments each year and restrict ourselves to large transactions that have been publicly announced。 We do not participate in situations in which green…mailers are attempting to put a target pany 〃in play。〃 
We have practiced arbitrage on an opportunistic basis for decades and; to date; our results have been quite good。 Though we've never made an exact calculation; I believe that overall we have averaged annual pre…tax returns of at least 25% from arbitrage。 I'm quite sure we did better than that in 1987。 But it should be emphasized that a really bad experience or two … such as many arbitrage operations suffered in late 1987 … could change the figures dramatically。 
Our only 50 million…plus arbitrage position at yearend 1987 was 1;096;200 shares of Allegis; with a cost of 76 million and a market value of 78 million。 
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