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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第114章

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in our business lifetimes。
Harold Alfond; who started working in a shoe factory at 25 cents an hour when he was 20; founded Dexter in 1956 with 10;000 of capital。 He was joined in 1958 by Peter Lunder; his nephew。 The two of them have since built a business that now produces over 7。5 million pairs of shoes annually; most of them made in Maine and the balance in Puerto Rico。 As you probably know; the domestic shoe industry is generally thought to be unable to pete with imports from low…wage countries。 But someone forgot to tell this to the ingenious managements of Dexter and H。 H。 Brown and to their skilled labor forces; which together make the U。S。 plants of both panies highly petitive against all ers。
话说Harold Alfond从20岁以时薪25美分开始到制鞋工厂做工,并在1956年靠着一万美元的资本创立Dexter,1958年他的侄子Peter加入,从此两人建立起年产750万双鞋子的企业,大部分的鞋子都在缅因州生产,其余的则在波多黎各,就像大家都知道的,国内的制鞋业,一般被认为无法与国外进口低价产品竞争,但是大家似乎忘记提醒布朗鞋业与Dexter经营团队有这么一回事,是他们让两家公司位于美国的工厂拥有高度的竞争力以对抗外来的入侵者。
Dexter's business includes 77 retail outlets; located primarily in the Northeast。 The pany is also a major manufacturer of golf shoes; producing about 15% of U。S。 output。 Its bread and butter; though; is the manufacture of traditional shoes for traditional retailers; a job at which it excels: Last year both Nordstrom and J。C。 Penney bestowed special awards upon Dexter for its performance as a supplier during 1992。
Dexter还包含77家的零售门市,主要集中在西北地区,该公司同时也是高尔夫球鞋的主要制造商,全美的市场占有率约为15%,不过他的主要业务还是传统通路商的传统鞋类,这也是它最擅长的领域,去年Dexter还获得Nordstrom与JC Penny所颁发的年度最佳供货商奖项。
Our 1993 results include Dexter only from our date of merger; November 7th。 In 1994; we expect Berkshire's shoe operations to have more than 550 million in sales; and we would not be surprised if the bined pre…tax earnings of these businesses topped 85 million。 Five years ago we had no thought of getting into shoes。 Now we have 7;200 employees in that industry; and I sing 〃There's No Business Like Shoe Business〃 as I drive to work。 So much for strategic plans。
At Berkshire; we have no view of the future that dictates what businesses or industries we will enter。 Indeed; we think it's usually poison for a corporate giant's shareholders if it embarks upon new ventures pursuant to some grand vision。 We prefer instead to focus on the economic characteristics of businesses that we wish to own and the personal characteristics of managers with whom we wish to associate … and then to hope we get lucky in finding the two in bination。 At Dexter; we did。
And now we pause for a short mercial: Though they owned a business jewel; we believe that Harold and Peter (who were not interested in cash) made a sound decision in exchanging their Dexter stock for shares of Berkshire。 What they did; in effect; was trade a 100% interest in a single terrific business for a smaller interest in a large group of terrific businesses。 They incurred no tax on this exchange and now own a security that can be easily used for charitable or personal gifts; or that can be converted to cash in amounts; and at times; of their own choosing。 Should members of their families desire to; they can pursue varying financial paths without running into the plications that often arise when assets are concentrated in a private business。
For tax and other reasons; private panies also often find it difficult to diversify outside their industries。 Berkshire; in contrast; can diversify with ease。 So in shifting their ownership to Berkshire; Dexter's shareholders solved a reinvestment problem。 Moreover; though Harold and Peter now have non…controlling shares in Berkshire; rather than controlling shares in Dexter; they know they will be treated as partners and that we will follow owner…oriented practices。 If they elect to retain their Berkshire shares; their investment result from the merger date forward will exactly parallel my own result。 Since I have a huge percentage of my net worth mitted for life to Berkshire shares … and since the pany will issue me neither restricted shares nor stock options … my gain…loss equation will always match that of all other owners。
Additionally; Harold and Peter know that at Berkshire we can keep our promises: There will be no changes of control or culture at Berkshire for many decades to e。 Finally; and of paramount importance; Harold and Peter can be sure that they will get to run their business … an activity they dearly love … exactly as they did before the merger。 At Berkshire; we do not tell 。400 hitters how to swing。
What made sense for Harold and Peter probably makes sense for a few other owners of large private businesses。 So; if you have a business that might fit; let me hear from you。 Our acquisition criteria are set forth in the appendix on page 22。
Sources of Reported Earnings帐列盈余的来源
The table below shows the major sources of Berkshire's reported earnings。 In this presentation; amortization of Goodwill and other major purchase…price accounting adjustments are not charged against the specific businesses to which they apply; but are instead aggregated and shown separately。 This procedure lets you view the earnings of our businesses as they would have been reported had we not purchased them。 I've explained in past reports why this form of presentation seems to us t
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