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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第107章

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is not how much they know; but rather how realistically they define what they don't know。 An investor needs to do very few things right as long as he or she avoids big mistakes。
Second; and equally important; we insist on a margin of safety in our purchase price。 If we calculate the value of a mon stock to be only slightly higher than its price; we're not interested in buying。 We believe this margin…of…safety principle; so strongly emphasized by Ben Graham; to be the cornerstone of investment success。
Fixed…Ine Securities固定收益证券
Below we list our largest holdings of fixed…ine securities:
(000s omitted) Cost of Preferreds andIssuer Amortized Value of Bonds Market
ACF Industries Debentures American Express 〃Percs〃 Champion International Conv。 Pfd。 First Empire State Conv。 Pfd Salomon Conv。 Pfd。 USAir Conv。 Pfd Washington Public Power Systems Bonds
133;065(1) 300;000 300;000(1) 40;000 700;000(1) 358;000(1) 58;768(1)
163;327 309;000(1)(2) 309;000(2) 68;000(1)(2) 756;000(2) 268;500(2) 81;002
(1) Carrying value in our financial statements (1)是指财务报表上的帐面价值
(2) Fair value as determined by Charlie and me (2)公平价值是由查理跟我来判断
During 1992 we added to our holdings of ACF debentures; had some of our WPPSS bonds called; and sold our RJR Nabisco position。
1992年我们增加了ACF债券的部位,另外华盛顿公用电力系统债券有部份被赎回,另外RJR Nabisco的部位则已出清。
Over the years; we've done well with fixed…ine investments; having realized from them both large capital gains (including 80 million in 1992) and exceptional current ine。 Chrysler Financial; Texaco; Time…Warner; WPPSS and RJR Nabisco were particularly good investments for us。 Meanwhile; our fixed…ine losses have been negligible: We've had thrills but so far no spills。
过去几年来,我们在固定收益证券的表现还不错,靠着他们不但实现了相当大量的资本利得(包含1992年的8;000万)与利息收益,克莱斯勒、Texaco、时代华纳、WPPSS与RJR Nabisco都是相当好的投资,另一方面发生损失的部份也相当少,虽然过程一度紧张但幸好最后并没有搞砸。
Despite the success we experienced with our Gillette preferred; which converted to mon stock in 1991; and despite our reasonable results with other negotiated purchases of preferreds; our overall performance with such purchases has been inferior to that we have achieved with purchases made in the secondary market。 This is actually the result we expected。 It corresponds with our belief that an intelligent investor in mon stocks will do better in the secondary market than he will do buying new issues。
The reason has to do with the way prices are set in each instance。 The secondary market; which is periodically ruled by mass folly; is constantly setting a 〃clearing〃 price。 No matter how foolish that price may be; it's what counts for the holder of a stock or bond who needs or wishes to sell; of whom there are always going to be a few at any moment。 In many instances; shares worth xin business value have sold in the market for 1/2x or less。
The new…issue market; on the other hand; is ruled by controlling stockholders and corporations; who can usually select the timing of offerings or; if the market looks unfavorable; can avoid an offering altogether。 Understandably; these sellers are not going to offer any bargains; either by way of a public offering or in a negotiated transaction: It's rare you'll find x for1/2x here。 Indeed; in the case of mon…stock offerings; selling shareholders are often motivated to unload only when they feel the market is overpaying。 (These sellers; of course; would state that proposition somewhat differently; averring instead that they simply resist selling when the market is underpaying for their goods。)
To date; our negotiated purchases; as a group; have fulfilled but not exceeded the expectation we set forth in our 1989 Annual Report: 〃Our preferred stock investments should produce returns modestly above those achieved by most fixed…ine portfolios。〃 In truth; we would have done better if we could have put the money that went into our negotiated transactions into open…market purchases of the type we like。 But both our size and the general strength of the markets made that difficult to do。
There was one other memorable line in the 1989 Annual Report: 〃We have no ability to forecast the economics of the investment banking business; the airline industry; or the paper industry。〃 At the time some of you may have doubted this confession of ignorance。 Now; however; even my mother acknowledges its truth。
In the case of our mitment to USAir; industry economics had soured before the ink dried on our check。 As I've previously mentioned; it was I who happily jumped into the pool; no one pushed me。 Yes; I knew the industry would be ruggedly petitive; but I did not expect its leaders to engage in prolonged kamikaze behavior。 In the last two years; airline panies have acted as if they are members of a petitive tontine; which they wish to bring to its conclusion as rapidly as possible。
Amidst this turmoil; Seth Schofield; CEO of USAir; has done a truly extraordinary job in repositioning the airline。 He was particularly courageous in accepting a strike last fall that; had it been lengthy; might well have bankrupted the pany。 Capitulating to the striking union; however; would have been equally disastrous: The pany was burdened with wage costs and work rules that were considerably more onerous than those encumbering its major petitors; and it was clear that over time any high…cost producer faced extinction。 Happily for everyone; the strike was settled in a few days。
在一遍混乱之中,美国航空的总裁…Seth Schofield在重新调整该公司体质之上,花了不少的工夫,尤其是去年秋天他勇于承担一次罢工事件,若是处置不当,再拖延下去很可能让公司面临
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