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    and you whispered to shose in pain。    
    Now you belong to heaven;    
    and the stars spell out your name。    
    And it seems to me you live your life。    
    like a candle in the wind    
    never fading with the sunset    
    when the rain set in。    
    And your footsteps will always fall here;    
    among England’s greenest hills;    
    your candle’s burned out long before    
    your legend ever will。    
    loveliness we’ve lost;    
    these empty days without your smile。    
    this torch we’ll always carry    
    for our nation’s golden child。    
    And even though we try;    
    the truth brings us to tears;    
    all our words cannot express    
    the joy you brought us through the years。    
    And it seems to me you lived your life    
    like a candle in the wind    
    never fading with the sunset    
    when the rain set in。    
    And your footsteps will always fall here;    
    among England’s greenest hills;    
    your candle’s burned out long before    
    your legend ever will。    
    Goodbye England’s rose;    
    may you ever grow in our hearts。    
    You were the grace that placed itself    
    where lives were torn apart。    
    Goodbye England’s rose;    
    from a country lost without your soul;    
    who’ll miss the wings of your passion    
    more than you’ll ever know。    
    And it seems to me you lived your life    
    like a candle in the wind    
    never fading with the sunset    
    when the rain set in。    
    And your footsteps will always fall here;    
    among England’s greenest hills;    
    your candle’s burned out long before    
    your legend ever will。    
    loveliness we’ve lost;    
    these empty days without your smile。    
    this torch we’ll always carry    
    for our nation’s golden child。    
    And even though we try;    
    the truth brings us to tears;    
    all our words cannot express    
    the joy you brought us through the years。

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