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达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)-第51章

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Langdon knew Teabing's feelings about the American phenomenon of coffee。 〃Tea;〃 he replied。 〃Earl Grey。〃
〃Excellent。 Your second question。 Milk or sugar?〃
Langdon hesitated。
〃Milk;〃 Sophie whispered in his ear。 〃I think the British take milk。〃
〃Milk;〃 Langdon said。
Teabing made no reply。
Wait! Langdon now recalled the bitter beverage he had been served on his last visit and realized this question was a trick。 〃Lemon!〃 he declared。 〃Earl Grey with lemon〃
〃Indeed。〃 Teabing sounded deeply amused now。 〃And finally; I must make the most grave of inquiries。〃 Teabing paused and then spoke in a solemn tone。 〃In which year did a Harvard sculler last outrow an Oxford man at Henley?〃
Langdon had no idea; but he could imagine only one reason the question had been asked。 〃Surely such a travesty has never occurred。〃
The gate clicked open。 〃Your heart is true; my friend。 You may pass。〃

〃Monsieur Vernet!〃 The night manager of the Depository Bank of Zurich felt relieved to hear the bank president's voice on the phone。 〃Where did you go; sir? The police are here; everyone is waiting for you!〃
〃I have a little problem;〃 the bank president said; sounding distressed。 〃I need your help right away。〃
You have more than a little problem; the manager thought。 The police had entirely surrounded the bank and were threatening to have the DCPJ captain himself show up with the warrant the bank had demanded。 〃How can I help you; sir?〃
〃Armored truck number three。 I need to find it。〃
Puzzled; the manager checked his delivery schedule。 〃It's here。 Downstairs at the loading dock。〃
〃Actually; no。 The truck was stolen by the two individuals the police are tracking。〃
〃What? How did they drive out?〃
〃I can't go into the specifics on the phone; but we have a situation here that could potentially be extremely unfortunate for the bank。〃
〃What do you need me to do; sir?〃
〃I'd like you to activate the truck's emergency transponder。〃
The night manager's eyes moved to the LoJack control box across the room。 Like many armored cars; each of the bank's trucks had been equipped with a radio…controlled homing device; which could be activated remotely from the bank。 The manager had only used the emergency system once; after a hijacking; and it had worked flawlessly—locating the truck and transmitting the coordinates to the authorities automatically。 Tonight; however; the manager had the impression the president was hoping for a bit more prudence。 〃Sir; you are aware that if I activate the LoJack system; the transponder will simultaneously inform the authorities that we have a problem。〃
Vernet was silent for several seconds。 〃Yes; I know。 Do it anyway。 Truck number three。 I'll hold。 I need the exact location of that truck the instant you have it。〃
〃Right away; sir。〃
Thirty seconds later; forty kilometers away; hidden in the undercarriage of the armored truck; a tiny transponder blinked to life。

As Langdon and Sophie drove the armored truck up the winding; poplar…lined driveway toward the house; Sophie could already feel her muscles relaxing。 It was a relief to be off the road; and she could think of few safer places to get their feet under them than this private; gated estate owned by a good…natured foreigner。
They turned into the sweeping circular driveway; and Chateau Villette came into view on their right。 Three stories tall and at least sixty meters long; the edifice had gray stone facing illuminated by outside spotlights。 The coarse facade stood in stark juxtaposition to the immaculately landscaped gardens and glassy pond。
The inside lights were just now ing on。
Rather than driving to the front door; Langdon pulled into a parking area nestled in the evergreens。 〃No reason to risk being spotted from the road;〃 he said。 〃Or having Leigh wonder why we arrived in a wrecked armored truck。〃
Sophie nodded。 〃What do we do with the cryptex? We probably shouldn't leave it out here; but if Leigh sees it; he'll certainly want to know what it is。〃
〃Not to worry;〃 Langdon said; removing his jacket as he stepped out of the car。 He wrapped the tweed coat around the box and held the bundle in his arms like a baby。
Sophie looked dubious。 〃Subtle。〃
〃Teabing never answers his own door; he prefers to make an entrance。 I'll find somewhere inside to stash this before he joins us。〃 Langdon paused。 〃Actually; I should probably warn you before you meet him。 Sir Leigh has a sense of humor that people often find a bit。。。 strange。〃
Sophie doubted anything tonight would strike her as strange anymore。
The pathway to the main entrance was hand…laid cobblestone。 It curved to a door of carved oak and cherry with a brass knocker the size of a grapefruit。 Before Sophie could grasp the knocker; the door swung open from within。
A prim and elegant butler stood before them; making final adjustments on the white tie and tuxedo he had apparently just donned。 He looked to be about fifty; with refined features and an austere expression that left little doubt he was unamused by their presence here。
〃Sir Leigh will be down presently;〃 he declared; his accent thick French。 〃He is dressing。 He prefers not to greet visitors while wearing only a nightshirt。 May I take your coat?〃 He scowled at the bunched…up tweed in Langdon's arms。
〃Thank you; I'm fine。〃
〃Of course you are。 Right this way; please。〃
The butler guided them through a lush marble foyer into an exquisitely adorned drawing room; softly lit by tassel…draped Victorian lamps。 The air inside smelled antediluvian; regal somehow; with traces of pipe tobacco; tea leaves; cooking sherry; and the earthen aroma of stone architecture。 Against the far wall; flanked between two glistening suits of chain mail armor; was a rough…hewn fireplace large enough to roast an ox。 Walking to the hearth; the butler knelt and touched a match to a pre…laid arrangement of oak logs and kindling。 A fire quickly crackled to life。
The man stood; straightening his jacket。 〃His master requests that you make yourselves at home。〃 With that; he departed; leaving Langdon and Sophie alone。
Sophie wondered which of the fireside antiques she was supposed to sit on—the Renaissance velvet divan; the rustic eagle…claw rocker; or the pair of stone pews that looked like they'd been lifted from some Byzantine temple。
Langdon unwrapped the cryptex from his coat; walked to the velvet divan; and slid the wooden box deep underneath it; well out of sight。 Then; shaking out his jacket; he put it back on; smoothed the lapels; and smiled at Sophie as he sat down directly over the stashed treasure。
The divan it is; Sophie thought; taking a seat beside him。
As she stared into the growing fire; enjoying the warmth; Sophie had the sensation that her grandfather would have loved this room。 The dark wood paneling was bedecked with Old Master paintings; one of which Sophie recognized as a Poussin; her grandfather's second…favorite painter。 On the mantel above the fireplace; an alabaster bust of Isis watched over the room。
Beneath the Egyptian goddess; inside the fireplace; two stone gargoyles served as andirons; their mouths gaping to reveal their menacing hollow throats。 Gargoyles had always terrified Sophie as a child; that was; until her grandfather cured her of the fear by taking her atop Notre Dame Cathedral in a rainstorm。 〃Princess; look at these silly creatures;〃 he had told her; pointing to the gargoyle rainspouts with their mouths gushing water。 〃Do you hear that funny sound in their throats?〃 Sophie nodded; having to smile at the burping sound of the water gurgling through their throats。 〃They're gargling;〃 her grandfather told her。 〃Gargariser! And that's where they get the silly name 'gargoyles。' 〃 Sophie had never again been afraid。
The fond memory caused Sophie a pang of sadness as the harsh reality of the murder gripped her again。 Grand…père is gone。 She pictured the cryptex under the divan and wondered if Leigh Teabing would have any idea how to open it。 Or if we even should ask him。 Sophie's grandfather's final words had instructed her to find Robert Langdon。 He had said nothing about involving anyone else。 We needed somewhere to hide; Sophie said; deciding to trust Robert's judgment。
〃Sir Robert!〃 a voice b
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