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Cover; let rise in warm place for 15 minutes;(猪注:二次发酵的成功与否是最终成品是否松软可口的最关键的步骤之二。俺的通常做法:烤箱250,预热5分钟,关掉。敞口几分钟,用手探入烤箱,觉得比较暖,稍热,最好,切不可以太热,放入成型好的DOUGH,关门,放置20分钟左右,如果时间充份可以稍微长一些,到DOUGH变成原来的二倍。因为这个RECIPE是SPEEDY,讲究的就是个快!一般二次发酵需要的时间要长很多。)
Heat oven to 400F。 Uncover dough。Bake 20 to 30 minutes or until loaves sound hollow when slightly tapped。 Immdiately remove from cookie sheet; cool on wire racks。
1) 脆皮: 在入炉前清刷一层水( 形成的皮薄,脆,很好吃,用在DINNER ROLL上很棒);
2) 硬皮: 在烤箱底部放一盘水 ;
3) 软皮: 在入炉前刷一层牛奶,或者刚出炉就刷融化奶油;
4) 善良的面包皮: 比例1个蛋:1 TABLESPOON水,刷在即将入炉的面包上。
5。5 to 6 cups all…purpose flour   2 envelopes FLEISCHMANN'S QuickRise Yeast (4。5 teaspoons)    3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoonsbutter or margarine   2 teaspoons salt   1。5 cups water   0。5 cup milk
1  揉面团: 混合大部分面粉,酵母干粉(QuickRise Yeast不能先溶水),糖; 和盐。把水,牛奶,和奶油加热至120-130F。拌入面粉。揉面8到10分钟; 直至光滑有弹性; 按戳面团时面团反弹。用湿毛巾覆盖面团碗盆。于温暖环境;静置10分钟。
2  成型(普通实心面包,2个):擀面板抹上面粉; 把面团分成2球。分别用擀面杖擀成长条,卷起。捏死;捏拢两边卷缝和面头缝。缝口朝下放入上过油的8。5 X 4。5面包烤模。
3  醒面(发酵): 用湿毛巾覆盖面团碗盆,静置于温暖环境。直到面团胀发至两倍大小;约45分钟。
4  烘烤: 烘烤温度400F; 25…30分钟。 如果面包变黄变褐过快; 用铝箔覆盖。
5  搁凉保存:  及时取出,放于架子或篮子彻底冷却,面包烤模会积水汽。
6  短期存贮:密封放在室温凉快地方。不要进冰箱。    长期存贮:用塑料袋或铝箔袋密封后放冰箱冰格。
--Butter 或 Margarine:亮光较少,但颜色(金黄)和味道特好。出炉前涂刷。
面团发酵后;顶部用剃须刀或锋利刀子切开大约1/4 英寸深 。
Ukrainian Easter Bread
2  packets active dry yeast      12  cups  plus 1 tablespoon sifted all…purpose flour     2/3  cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar 
2 to 3  tablespoons hot water     2  cups hot milk (100°)   6  large eggs; 3 whole; 3 separated; room temperature  
8   large egg yolks; room temperature    1/4  tsp salt   1  tsp pure vanilla extract    Zest of 1 lemon      Zest of 1 orange 
3  tbsp rum or brandy    8  tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter; melted; plus more for pans     1/2  cup vegetable oil 
1。  In a medium bowl; bine yeast; 1 tablespoon flour; sugar; and warm water。 Mix until smooth。 Set bowl aside until mixture is bubbly; 10 minutes。 
2。  Add 4 cups flour and milk to yeast mixture。 With a wooden spoon; mix until well bined。 Cover with plastic wrap; and let rise at room temperature until doubled in size; about 30 minutes。 
3。  In the bowl of a heavy…duty electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment; beat 3 whole eggs; 8 egg yolks; and sugar until light and pale yellow; about 5 minutes。 Add the mixture from steps 1 and 2。 Add salt; vanilla extract; lemon zest; orange zest; rum or brandy; melted butter; and vegetable oil。 Whisk on medium speed until bined。 
4。  Remove whisk attachment from machine; and fit with the dough…hook attachment。 With mixer on medium…low speed; gradually add enough of the remaining 8 cups flour until dough es away from side of bowl。 Transfer dough to a clean work surface。 Knead dough; adding any remaining flour if necessary; until smooth and elastic; 5 to 10 minutes。 Transfer dough to a large bowl; and cover with a cloth or plastic wrap。 Place in a warm spot away from drafts; and let it rise until doubled in size; 1 to 2 hours。 
5。  Place rack in lower two…thirds of oven; and heat to 350°。 Butter two 9…inch ovenproof saucepans。 Cut a piece of wax paper about 2 inches longer than the circumference of the saucepan。 Fold this in half crosswise to make a double thickness。 Place inside the saucepan; patting it to adhere to the butter。 The collar should extend 3 to 4 inches above the rim of the saucepan。 Seal the 2…inch flap with more butter。 
6。  When dough has doubled in bulk; punch down; and set aside one…third of dough in a medium bowl covered with plastic wrap for decorations。 Divide remaining two…thirds dough evenly between saucepans。 Place bowl and saucepans of dough in a warm place to rise for about 30 minutes。 
7。  On a clean work surface; shape reserved dough into desired motifs: suns; crosses; rosettes; birds; braids; scrolls; etc。 Keep any dough that is not being used covered with plastic to prevent it from drying out。 Brush surface of risen dough in saucepans with 3 lightly beaten egg whites。 Attach decorative dough ornaments; using a toothpick if necessary to secure to loaves。 Place in a warm place to rise until it reaches almost the top of pans; 20 to 30 minutes。 
8。  In a small bowl; whisk together remaining 3 egg yolks (reserving whites for another use) with 1 tablespoon water。 Brush egg wash on surface of loaves。 Bake for 10 minutes; lower the oven temperature to 325°; and bake for an additional 50 minutes。 Cool paska in pans for 30 minutes。 When bread has cooled but is still warm; gently remove from pans; and transfer to a rack to cool。 
麵糰材料﹕高筋麵粉480克   (yeast)1湯匙  糖120克  牛奶2湯匙  牛油3湯匙   溫水150…175毫升 雞蛋1隻 
菠蹋嗥げ牧烯s低筋麵粉210克 奶粉20克  糖霜120克  豬油60克  臭粉1/2茶匙   梳打粉1/2茶匙   牛奶1湯匙   蛋黃1/2隻
菠蹋桙I糰做法﹕ 高筋麵粉、依士粉同篩在檯上,中間開穴,加入糖、牛奶、雞蛋、牛油等材料混合成麵糰,再搓7分鐘至麵糰軟滑 轉置塗上油的盆中,以濕毛巾蓋住,放溫暖處發酵1小時(或至兩倍大的麵糰)備用。 麵糰取出,搓成長條,分切成20等份,滾圓後作第二次發酵20分鐘 
菠蹋ぷ龇īs 麵粉、奶粉同篩放於大碗開穴,加入其他材料,搓成軟糰,分成20小份,輾開成薄圓形,舖放上麵飽上 。 另外準備1隻雞蛋打勻,塗上已做好型的麵飽面上 放入已預熱的焗爐中以200C焗15…20分鐘(或金黃色)即成
面包粉3cup; yeast 2 ts; salt 1ts; sugar 1 table spoon; butter 50g(melted)
用菠萝丁150克和蜂蜜30克,再加 2ts的corn starch一起用少量butter炒成糊状做馅。
1/2 CUP 牛奶       1/4 CUP BUTTER或者MARGARINE     1 EGG
做法:先把1CUP面粉和糖;盐;YEAST混合均匀。加热水;牛奶和BUTTER到120…130(F)。鸡蛋略打散。该溶液和鸡蛋都倒入面粉混合物;先用手拌拌匀;然后中速搅拌3分钟。加入剩下的面粉;手揉或者搅拌8…10分钟;直到面团非常有弹性。初次发酵1个小时(到面团成两倍);击打面团;手指叉入面团;释放其中的气泡。然后割块儿;整行成自己想要的形状;在烤盘上放好;再发酵45…60分钟。 用一个蛋加上一TABLESPOON水打匀;刷在即将入烤箱的面包胚上。350F;烤15…20分钟;或者表面金棕色。
Bagel 麵包
4CUPS麵粉    四湯匙白糖     一又二分之一杯水     二又四分之一茶匙酵母 (Yeast)     一茶匙
作法: 在大的混合碗中加入二杯麵粉和未溶解的酵母。另外將水加熱至華氏 120…130 度 (攝氏 50…55 度) ,加入三湯匙白糖和一茶匙旌希賹崴従徏尤肭牟牧现校秒妱訑嚢杵鞯退贁嚢杓s半分鐘,並經常將碗邊的乾粉刮至碗中央。再用攪拌器高速攪拌三分鐘,接著將剩餘的麵粉加入,用攪拌匙仔細攪拌均勻成柔軟的麵糰。
在乾淨的桌面或板子上略撒麵粉,將麵糰揉六至八分鐘,至表面光滑不黏手且有彈性,蓋上乾淨的布讓麵糰發酵十分鐘(猪注:此十分钟可以采用俺的水浴发面法)。第一次發酵後將麵糰分成十二等份,並全部揉成均勻的球形,接著再用手指將每個麵糰從中穿個洞,用兩隻食指均勻繞成圈形,中央的洞約一吋半直徑,排在兩個抹了薄油的大烤盤上,蓋上布使其發酵二十分鐘。 (因為 bagel 不必長時間發酵,從第一個麵糰塑
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