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1) Preheat oven to 350F。 Grease and lightly flour two 8…inch round layer cake pans。 Line bottons of pans with circles of waxed paper。
2) For cake; in top of double bioler over simmering water; melting chocolate and butter; stirring frequently。 Remove from heat; let cool about 5 minutes。
3) In large bowl; blend remaining cake ingredients with electric mixer on medium speed。 Add cooled chocolate mixture; beat at medium speed 3 minutes。 Divide batter between prepared pans。
4) Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until tester inserted in centre es out clean。 Let cool in pans 10 minutes; then remove to racks。 Remove waxed paper circles。 Let cool pletely before filling and glazing。
5) For icing; in top of double boiler over simmering water; melt chocolate。 Remove from heat; let cool about 5 minutes。
6) In bowl; beat butter using electric mixer on medium speed until fluffy; about 2 minutes。 Gradually beat in sugar; alternating with cream and continue beating until sugar dissolves。 Beat in vanilla; then cooled chocolate。(Icing should be of good spreading consistency。 If too thin; beat in more sugar; if too thick; beat in more cream。)
7) Arrane one cake layer on serving plate; spread with about third of icing。 Place second cake layer on top。 Spread sides and top of cake with remaining icing。 Refrigerate until icing is firm; about 30 minutes。
8) For glaze; place small bowl over saucepan of simmering water。 Add chocolate chips and coffee; melt。 Remove from heat。 Stir in brandy; if using。 Gradually blend in butter until smooth。 Cool 2 to 3 minutes。 Spread glaze over top of cake; letting it dribble down sides。
Chocolate Hazelnut Torte
Cake: 1/2 cup butter; 1 cup granulated sugar; 6oz(175g)semisweet chocolate; 5 eggs; separated; 1 cup ground hazelnuts; 1/4 tsp salt
Topping: 1 cup whipping cream; whipped; 1tsp+1tbsp icing sugar; 1tsp+1/3 cup granulated sugar; 1 tsp hazelnut liqueur; 4 cups mixed berries
1) Preheat oven to 350F。 Grease 9…inch springform pan。
2) For cake; in medium bowl over simmering water; melt butter sugar and chocolate。 Stir until smooth。 Remove from heat; cool。 Stir in egg yolks and hazelnuts。
3) In glass or stainless steel bowl using electric mixer on low; beat egg whites and salt until soft peaks form; about 2 minutes。 Increase speed to high until stiff peaks form; about 2 minutes。 Fold whites into chocolate mixture; a third at a time。
4) Pour into prepared pan。 Bake on middle rack 35 minutes or until tester es out clean。 Cool and turn out on to rack。
5) In large bowl; bine whipped cream; 1 tsp icing sugar; 1 tsp granulated sugar and liqueur。
6) In medium bowl; toss berries with 1/3 cup granulated sugar。
7) Sift 1 tbsp icing sugar over cake。
8) Serve from bowls of sugared berries and cream mixture。
Maple Pear Upside Down Cake
Topping: 1/3 cup maple syrup; 1/4 cup packed brown sugar; 1/4 cup chopped; toasted pecans; 3 bosc or bartlett pears; peeled; quartered; cored; cut into 1/4…inch slices。
Cake: 1/2 cup butter; softened; 3/4 cup packed brown sugar; 2 eggs; 1tbsp vanilla; 1 1/2 cups all…purpose flour; 1 tsp cardamom or cinnamon; 1 tsp baking powder; 1/2 tsp baking soda; Pinch salt; 1/2 cup sour cream
1) Preheat oven to 350F。 Grease 9…inch springform pan。
2) For topping; in small saucepan over medium…high heat; heat maple syrup and sugar until mixture begins to bubble。 Boil gently 1 minute; stirring constantly。 Pour into prepared pan。 Sprinkle with pecans。
3) Arrange pears over maple mixture in concentric circles overlapping each other slightly。 Set aside。
4) For cake; in large bowl using electric mixer on medium speed; beat together butter and sugar until fluffy; 3 to 5 minutes。 Add eggs; one at a time; beating after each addition。 Beat in vanilla。
5) In another bowl; bine flour; cardamom or cinnamon; baking powder; baking soda and salt。 Mix dry ingredients and sour cream into egg mixture alternately; third of flour mixture and half of sour cream at a time。
6) Scrape batter into pan over pears。 Smooth batter carefully without moving pears。
7) Bake about 45 minutes or until tester inserted in centre es out clean。 Let cool in pan on rack 20 minutes。 Invert cake pan on to serving plate; remove cake pan。 Scrape any maple glaze from lan on to cake。
TV Time cookies
2 cups all…purpose flour; 2 tsp baking soda; 2 tsp cream of tartar; 1/4 tsp salt; 1/2 cup butter; softened; 1/2 cup shortening; 1/2 cup each: granulated sugar; brown sugar; 1 egg; 1 tsp vanilla
1) Preheat oven to 350F。Line cookie sheets with parchment paper。
2) In bowl; bine flour; baking soda; cream of tartar and salt。
3) In large bowl; using electric mixer; cream butter and shortening until light。 Gradually blend in sugars; then egg and vanilla until smooth and fluffy。 Add flour mixture until blended and smooth。
4) Dopr small teaspoons of batter on to cookie sheets。 Press with fork dipped in milk; pressing thin。 Bake 8…10 minutes or until golden brown。 Place on wire rack to cool。
材料: 1。蛋黃500g、糖200g           2。玉米粉100g                     3。香草水少許 
做法: 將1料快速打發後加入 2 料打勻即可加入 3 拌勻,倒入模中薄薄的一層。 上火250度;下火230度預熱十分鐘;
奶油(butter)60g  砂糖50g  蛋1個  即溶咖啡1小匙  熱水2小匙  核桃20g  麵粉40g  baking powder四分之一小匙
3。麵粉和baking powder混合後過篩,倒入並以切菜的方式將麵糊攪拌至產生光澤。(只要拌勻就可以了)
蛋3个   蛋黄1个   砂糖40G(偶不喜欢太甜的;原配方85G)   低粉55G  牛奶5G  黄油5G
海绵蛋糕稳定剂(SPONGE CAKE STABILIZER);好象也叫SP;是黄色的果酱状的东东CK的ONE4G
做法:  蛋加蛋黄打到湿性发泡;加稳定剂;打到干性发泡;加粉。牛奶黄油隔热溶解;加入打发的蛋。180C;20…25分钟
2。蛋清+1/2tp BP,略打,+糖20g,打至企身;
將1。2。3打一分鐘後,速度眨尤敕涿郏俅蛑亮慷喑黾s三倍。 過篩的麵粉分兩次加入A拌勻,再加入牛奶拌勻,再加入沙拉油拌勻。 倒入模型,置入烤箱內,以140度C烤約30分鐘。
蜂蜜蛋糕 3
蛋 。。。 8個   糖 。。。 180克    蜂蜜 。。。 1/4杯   低筋粉 。。。 200克     !!!1/4小匙    沙拉油 。。。 2大匙 
烤箱先預熱到175℃。  烤時放烤箱下層,烤約50分鐘。  蛋和糖隔水加溫後,用電動打蛋器打約3分鐘,不要像打一般海綿蛋糕一樣打得那麼發。  加蜂蜜再打5分鐘到濃稠程度。   麵粉、Y入,用直形打蛋器不怕攪拌,可以放心徹底攪拌均勻。   將麵糊刮入模型中,表面要刮平。  拿起模型多摔幾下,把氣泡震出,即可烤焙。  烤好,取出倒扣在涼架上,撕去底紙,待涼後再予切片。
1 巧克力粉 20g(1/4 cup)    flour 90g(3/4 cup)    BP 1/4 TableSpoon    BS 1/4 TableSpoon   2 milk 1/4 cup   oil 1/4 cup
3 sugar 150g(3/4 cup)    4 egg 6个
先把材料1 混合均匀,加入材料2,再加入6个蛋黄,混合均匀。再把6个蛋清用打蛋器打发,把糖分3次加入。把上面的东西混合在一起,300度烤50分钟就可以了,很香啊!
取四个鸡蛋,蛋黄蛋白分别用handy mixer打起,(特别是蛋白,一定要打得硬起来),备用。取一百克黑巧克力,用水浴法化开,加入一百克用微波炉熔化的黄油,搅拌均匀,按个人口味加糖,(我也用一百克),加蛋
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