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雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1-第76章

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  〃Through yonder large door。〃
  The lawyer left him。
  In the course of a few moments he had experienced; almost simultaneously; almost intermingled with each other; all possible emotions。
  The words of this indifferent spectator had; in turn; pierced his heart like needles of ice and like blades of fire。 When he saw that nothing was settled; he breathed freely once more; but he could not have told whether what he felt was pain or pleasure。
  He drew near to many groups and listened to what they were saying。 The docket of the session was very heavy; the president had appointed for the same day two short and simple cases。
  They had begun with the infanticide; and now they had reached the convict; the old offender; the 〃return horse。〃
  This man had stolen apples; but that did not appear to be entirely proved; what had been proved was; that he had already been in the galleys at Toulon。 It was that which lent a bad aspect to his case。
  However; the man's examination and the depositions of the witnesses had been pleted; but the lawyer's plea; and the speech of the public prosecutor were still to e; it could not be finished before midnight。
  The man would probably be condemned; the attorney…general was very clever; and never missed his culprits; he was a brilliant fellow who wrote verses。
  An usher stood at the door municating with the hall of the Assizes。 He inquired of this usher:
  〃Will the door be opened soon; sir?〃
  〃It will not be opened at all;〃 replied the usher。
  It will not be opened when the hearing is resumed? Is not the hearing suspended?〃
  〃The hearing has just been begun again;〃 replied the usher; 〃but the door will not be opened again。〃
  〃Because the hall is full。〃
  There is not room for one more?〃
  〃Not another one。
  The door is closed。
  No one can enter now。〃
  The usher added after a pause:
  〃There are; to tell the truth; two or three extra places behind Monsieur le President; but Monsieur le President only admits public functionaries to them。〃
  So saying; the usher turned his back。
  He retired with bowed head; traversed the antechamber; and slowly descended the stairs; as though hesitating at every step。 It is probable that he was holding counsel with himself。 The violent conflict which had been going on within him since the preceding evening was not yet ended; and every moment he encountered some new phase of it。
  On reaching the landing…place; he leaned his back against the balusters and folded his arms。
  All at once he opened his coat; drew out his pocket…book; took from it a pencil; tore out a leaf; and upon that leaf he wrote rapidly; by the light of the street lantern; this line:
  M。 Madeleine; Mayor of M。 sur M。; then he ascended the stairs once more with great strides; made his way through the crowd; walked straight up to the usher; handed him the paper; and said in an authoritative manner:
  〃Take this to Monsieur le President。〃
  The usher took the paper; cast a glance upon it; and obeyed。

  Although he did not suspect the fact; the mayor of M。 sur M。 enjoyed a sort of celebrity。
  For the space of seven years his reputation for virtue had filled the whole of Bas Boulonnais; it had eventually passed the confines of a small district and had been spread abroad through two or three neighboring departments。
  Besides the service which he had rendered to the chief town by resuscitating the black jet industry; there was not one out of the hundred and forty munes of the arrondissement of M。 sur M。 which was not indebted to him for some benefit。
  He had even at need contrived to aid and multiply the industries of other arrondissements。
  It was thus that he had; when occasion offered; supported with his credit and his funds the linen factory at Boulogne; the flax…spinning industry at Frevent; and the hydraulic manufacture of cloth at Boubers…sur…Canche。 Everywhere the name of M。 Madeleine was pronounced with veneration。 Arras and Douai envied the happy little town of M。 sur M。 its mayor。
  The Councillor of the Royal Court of Douai; who was presiding over this session of the Assizes at Arras; was acquainted; in mon with the rest of the world; with this name which was so profoundly and universally honored。
  When the usher; discreetly opening the door which connected the council…chamber with the court…room; bent over the back of the President's arm…chair and handed him the paper on which was inscribed the line which we have just perused; adding:
  〃The gentleman desires to be present at the trial;〃 the President; with a quick and deferential movement; seized a pen and wrote a few words at the bottom of the paper and returned it to the usher; saying; 〃Admit him。〃
  The unhappy man whose history we are relating had remained near the door of the hall; in the same place and the same attitude in which the usher had left him。
  In the midst of his revery he heard some one saying to him; 〃Will Monsieur do me the honor to follow me?〃 It was the same usher who had turned his back upon him but a moment previously; and who was now bowing to the earth before him。 At the same time; the usher handed him the paper。
  He unfolded it; and as he chanced to be near the light; he could read it。
  〃The President of the Court of Assizes presents his respects to M。 Madeleine。〃
  He crushed the paper in his hand as though those words contained for him a strange and bitter aftertaste。
  He followed the usher。
  A few minutes later he found himself alone in a sort of wainscoted cabinet of severe aspect; lighted by two wax candles; placed upon a table with a green cloth。
  The last words of the usher who had just quitted him still rang in his ears:
  〃Monsieur; you are now in the council…chamber; you have only to turn the copper handle of yonder door; and you will find yourself in the court…room; behind the President's chair。〃 These words were mingled in his thoughts with a vague memory of narrow corridors and dark staircases which he had recently traversed。
  The usher had left him alone。
  The supreme moment had arrived。 He sought to collect his faculties; but could not。
  It is chiefly at the moment when there is the greatest need for attaching them to the painful realities of life; that the threads of thought snap within the brain。
  He was in the very place where the judges deliberated and condemned。
  With stupid tranquillity he surveyed this peaceful and terrible apartment; where so many lives had been broken; which was soon to ring with his name; and which his fate was at that moment traversing。
  He stared at the wall; then he looked at himself; wondering that it should be that chamber and that it should be he。
  He had eaten nothing for four and twenty hours; he was worn out by the jolts of the cart; but he was not conscious of it。 It seemed to him that he felt nothing。
  He approached a black frame which was suspended on the wall; and which contained; under glass; an ancient autograph letter of Jean Nicolas Pache; mayor of Paris and minister; and dated; through an error; no doubt; the 9th of June; of the year II。; and in which Pache forwarded to the mune the list of ministers and deputies held in arrest by them。
  Any spectator who had chanced to see him at that moment; and who had watched him; would have imagined; doubtless; that this letter struck him as very curious; for he did not take his eyes from it; and he read it two or three times。 He read it without paying any attention to it; and unconsciously。 He was thinking of Fantine and Cosette。
  As he dreamed; he turned round; and his eyes fell upon the brass knob of the door which separated him from the Court of Assizes。 He had almost forgotten that door。
  His glance; calm at first; paused there; remained fixed on that brass handle; then grew terrified; and little by little became impregnated with fear。
  Beads of perspiration burst forth among his hair and trickled down upon his temples。
  At a certain moment he made that indescribable gesture of a sort of authority mingl
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