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雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1-第56章

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  At that period a dandy was posed of a tall collar; a big cravat; a watch with trinkets; three vests of different colors; worn one on top of the otherthe red and blue inside; of a short…waisted olive coat; with a codfish tail; a double row of silver buttons set close to each other and running up to the shoulder; and a pair of trousers of a lighter shade of olive; ornamented on the two seams with an indefinite; but always uneven; number of lines; varying from one to elevena limit which was never exceeded。 Add to this; high shoes with little irons on the heels; a tall hat with a narrow brim; hair worn in a tuft; an enormous cane; and conversation set off by puns of Potier。
  Over all; spurs and a mustache。
  At that epoch mustaches indicated the bourgeois; and spurs the pedestrian。
  The provincial dandy wore the longest of spurs and the fiercest of mustaches。
  It was the period of the conflict of the republics of South America with the King of Spain; of Bolivar against Morillo。 Narrow…brimmed hats were royalist; and were called morillos; liberals wore hats with wide brims; which were called bolivars。
  Eight or ten months; then; after that which is related in the preceding pages; towards the first of January; 1823; on a snowy evening; one of these dandies; one of these unemployed; a 〃right thinker;〃 for he wore a morillo; and was; moreover; warmly enveloped in one of those large cloaks which pleted the fashionable costume in cold weather; was amusing himself by tormenting a creature who was prowling about in a ball…dress; with neck uncovered and flowers in her hair; in front of the officers' cafe。
  This dandy was smoking; for he was decidedly fashionable。
  Each time that the woman passed in front of him; he bestowed on her; together with a puff from his cigar; some apostrophe which he considered witty and mirthful; such as; 〃How ugly you are! Will you get out of my sight?You have no teeth!〃 etc。; etc。 This gentleman was known as M。 Bamatabois。
  The woman; a melancholy; decorated spectre which went and came through the snow; made him no reply; did not even glance at him; and nevertheless continued her promenade in silence; and with a sombre regularity; which brought her every five minutes within reach of this sarcasm; like the condemned soldier who returns under the rods。
  The small effect which he produced no doubt piqued the lounger; and taking advantage of a moment when her back was turned; he crept up behind her with the gait of a wolf; and stifling his laugh; bent down; picked up a handful of snow from the pavement; and thrust it abruptly into her back; between her bare shoulders。
  The woman uttered a roar; whirled round; gave a leap like a panther; and hurled herself upon the man; burying her nails in his face; with the most frightful words which could fall from the guard…room into the gutter。
  These insults; poured forth in a voice roughened by brandy; did; indeed; proceed in hideous wise from a mouth which lacked its two front teeth。 It was Fantine。
  At the noise thus produced; the officers ran out in throngs from the cafe; passers…by collected; and a large and merry circle; hooting and applauding; was formed around this whirlwind posed of two beings; whom there was some difficulty in recognizing as a man and a woman:
  the man struggling; his hat on the ground; the woman striking out with feet and fists; bareheaded; howling; minus hair and teeth; livid with wrath; horrible。
  Suddenly a man of lofty stature emerged vivaciously from the crowd; seized the woman by her satin bodice; which was covered with mud; and said to her; 〃Follow me!〃
  The woman raised her head; her furious voice suddenly died away。 Her eyes were glassy; she turned pale instead of livid; and she trembled with a quiver of terror。
  She had recognized Javert。
  The dandy took advantage of the incident to make his escape。

   Javert thrust aside the spectators; broke the circle; and set out with long strides towards the police station; which is situated at the extremity of the square; dragging the wretched woman after him。 She yielded mechanically。
  Neither he nor she uttered a word。 The cloud of spectators followed; jesting; in a paroxysm of delight。 Supreme misery an occasion for obscenity。
  On arriving at the police station; which was a low room; warmed by a stove; with a glazed and grated door opening on the street; and guarded by a detachment; Javert opened the door; entered with Fantine; and shut the door behind him; to the great disappointment of the curious; who raised themselves on tiptoe; and craned their necks in front of the thick glass of the station…house; in their effort to see。 Curiosity is a sort of gluttony。
  To see is to devour。
  On entering; Fantine fell down in a corner; motionless and mute; crouching down like a terrified dog。
  The sergeant of the guard brought a lighted candle to the table。 Javert seated himself; drew a sheet of stamped paper from his pocket; and began to write。
  This class of women is consigned by our laws entirely to the discretion of the police。
  The latter do what they please; punish them; as seems good to them; and confiscate at their will those two sorry things which they entitle their industry and their liberty。 Javert was impassive; his grave face betrayed no emotion whatever。 Nevertheless; he was seriously and deeply preoccupied。
  It was one of those moments when he was exercising without control; but subject to all the scruples of a severe conscience; his redoubtable discretionary power。
  At that moment he was conscious that his police agent's stool was a tribunal。
  He was entering judgment。 He judged and condemned。
  He summoned all the ideas which could possibly exist in his mind; around the great thing which he was doing。 The more he examined the deed of this woman; the more shocked he felt。 It was evident that he had just witnessed the mission of a crime。 He had just beheld; yonder; in the street; society; in the person of a freeholder and an elector; insulted and attacked by a creature who was outside all pales。
  A prostitute had made an attempt on the life of a citizen。
  He had seen that; he; Javert。
  He wrote in silence。
  When he had finished he signed the paper; folded it; and said to the sergeant of the guard; as he handed it to him; 〃Take three men and conduct this creature to jail。〃
  Then; turning to Fantine; 〃You are to have six months of it。〃 The unhappy woman shuddered。
  〃Six months! six months of prison!〃 she exclaimed。
  〃Six months in which to earn seven sous a day!
  But what will bee of Cosette? My daughter! my daughter!
  But I still owe the Thenardiers over a hundred francs; do you know that; Monsieur Inspector?〃
  She dragged herself across the damp floor; among the muddy boots of all those men; without rising; with clasped hands; and taking great strides on her knees。
  〃Monsieur Javert;〃 said she; 〃I beseech your mercy。
  I assure you that I was not in the wrong。
  If you had seen the beginning; you would have seen。
  I swear to you by the good God that I was not to blame!
  That gentleman; the bourgeois; whom I do not know; put snow in my back。
  Has any one the right to put snow down our backs when we are walking along peaceably; and doing no harm to any one? I am rather ill; as you see。
  And then; he had been saying impertinent things to me for a long time:
  ‘You are ugly! you have no teeth!' I know well that I have no longer those teeth。
  I did nothing; I said to myself; ‘The gentleman is amusing himself。'
  I was honest with him; I did not speak to him。
  It was at that moment that he put the snow down my back。
  Monsieur Javert; good Monsieur Inspector! is there not some person here who saw it and can tell you that this is quite true?
  Perhaps I did wrong to get angry。 You know that one is not master of one's self at the first moment。 One gives way to vivacity; and then; when some one puts something cold down your back just when you are not expecting it!
  I did wrong to spoil that ge
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