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brokeback mountain-第5章

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e worried about him and he ought to get married again。 He saw she was pregnant; about four; five months; he guessed。

  〃Once burned;〃 he said; leaning against the counter; feeling too big for the room。

  〃You still go fishin with that Jack Twist?〃〃Some。〃 He thought she'd take the pattern off the plate with the scraping。

  〃You know;〃 she said; and from her tone he knew something was ing; 〃I used to wonder how e you never brought any trouts home。 Always said you caught plenty。 So one time I got your creel case open the night before you went on one a your little trips  price tag still on it after five years  and I tied a note on the end of the line。 It said; hello Ennis; bring some fish home; love; Alma。 And then you e back and said you'd caught a bunch a browns and ate them up。 Remember? I looked in the case when I got a chance and there was my note still tied there and that line hadn't touched water in its life。〃 As though the word 〃water〃 had called out its domestic cousin she twisted the faucet; sluiced the plates。

  〃That don't mean nothin。〃

  〃Don't lie; don't try to fool me; Ennis。 I know what it means。 Jack Twist? Jack Nasty。 You and him  〃She'd overstepped his line。 He seized her wrist; tears sprang and rolled; a dish clattered。

  〃Shut up;〃 he said。 〃Mind your own business。 You don't know nothin about it。〃〃I'm goin a yell for Bill。〃

  〃You ****in go right ahead。 Go on and ****in yell。 I'll make him eat the ****in floor and you too。〃 He gave another wrench that left her with a burning bracelet; shoved his hat on backwards and slammed out。 He went to the Black and Blue Eagle bar that night; got drunk; had a short dirty fight and left。 He didn't try to see his girls for a long time; figuring they would look him up when they got the sense and years to move out from Alma。

  They were no longer young men with all of it before them。 Jack had filled out through the shoulders and hams; Ennis stayed as lean as a clothes…pole; stepped around in worn boots; jeans and shirts summer and winter; added a canvas coat in cold weather。 A benign growth appeared on his eyelid and gave it a drooping appearance; a broken nose healed crooked。

  Years on years they worked their way through the high meadows and mountain drainages; horse…packing into the Big Horns; Medicine Bows; south end of the Gallatins; Absarokas; Granites; Owl Creeks; the Bridger…Teton Range; the Freezeouts and the Shirleys; Ferrises and the Rattlesnakes; Salt River Range; into the Wind Rivers over and again; the Sierra Madres; Gros Ventres; the Washakies; Laramies; but never returning to Brokeback。

  Down in Texas Jack's father…in…law died and Lureen; who inherited the farm equipment business; showed a skill for management and hard deals。 Jack found himself with a vague managerial title; traveling to stock and agricultural machinery shows。 He had some money now and found ways to spend it on his buying trips。 A little Texas accent flavored his sentences; 〃cow〃 twisted into 〃kyow〃 and 〃wife〃 ing out as 〃waf。〃 He'd had his front teeth filed down and capped; said he'd felt no pain; and to finish the job grew a heavy mustache。

  In May of 1983 they spent a few cold days at a series of little icebound; no…name high lakes; then worked across into the Hail Strew River drainage。

  Going up; the day was fine but the trail deep…drifted and slopping wet at the margins。 They left it to wind through a slashy cut; leading the horses through brittle branchwood; Jack; the same eagle feather in his old hat; lifting his head in the heated noon to take the air scented with resinous lodgepole; the dry needle duff and hot rock; bitter juniper crushed beneath the horses' hooves。 Ennis; weather…eyed; looked west for the heated cumulus that might e up on such a day but the boneless blue was so deep; said Jack; that he might drown looking up。

  Around three they swung through a narrow pass to a southeast slope where the strong spring sun had had a chance to work; dropped down to the trail again which lay snowless below them。 They could hear the river muttering and making a distant train sound a long way off。 Twenty minutes on they surprised a black bear on the bank above them rolling a log over for grubs and Jack's horse shied and reared; Jack saying 〃Wo! Wo!〃 and Ennis's bay dancing and snorting but holding。 Jack reached for the 。30…。06 but there was no need; the startled bear galloped into the trees with the lumpish gait that made it seem it was falling apart。

  The tea…colored river ran fast with snowmelt; a scarf of bubbles at every high rock; pools and setbacks streaming。 The ochre…branched willows swayed stiffly; pollened catkins like yellow thumbprints。 The horses drank and Jack dismounted; scooped icy water up in his hand; crystalline drops falling from his fingers; his mouth and chin glistening with wet。

  〃Get beaver fever doin that;〃 said Ennis; then; 〃Good enough place;〃 looking at the level bench above the river; two or three fire…rings from old hunting camps。 A sloping meadow rose behind the bench; protected by a stand of lodgepole。 There was plenty of dry wood。 They set up camp without saying much; picketed the horses in the meadow。 Jack broke the seal on a bottle of whiskey; took a long; hot swallow; exhaled forcefully; said; 〃That's one a the two things I need right now;〃 capped and tossed it to Ennis。

  On the third morning there were the clouds Ennis had expected; a grey racer out of the west; a bar of darkness driving wind before it and small flakes。 It faded after an hour into tender spring snow that heaped wet and heavy。 By nightfall it turned colder。 Jack and Ennis passed a joint back and forth; the fire burning late; Jack restless and *****ing about the cold; poking the flames with a stick; twisting the dial of the transistor radio until the batteries died。

  Ennis said he'd been putting the blocks to a woman who worked part…time at the Wolf Ears bar in Signal where he was working now for Stoutamire's cow and calf outfit; but it wasn't going anywhere and she had some problems he didn't want。 Jack said he'd had a thing going with the wife of a rancher down the road in Childress and for the last few months he'd slank around expecting to get shot by Lureen or the husband; one。 Ennis laughed a little and said he probably deserved it。 Jack said he was doing all right but he missed Ennis bad enough sometimes to make him whip babies。

  The horses nickered in the darkness beyond the fire's circle of light。 Ennis put his arm around Jack; pulled him close; said he saw his girls about once a month; Alma Jr。 a shy seventeen…year…old with his beanpole length; Francine a little live wire。 Jack slid his cold hand between Ennis's legs; said he was worried about his boy who was; no doubt about it; dyslexic or something; couldn't get anything right; fifteen years old and couldn't hardly read; he could see it though goddamn Lureen wouldn't admit to it and pretended the kid was o。k。; refused to get any *****in kind a help about it。 He didn't know what the **** the answer was。 Lureen had the money and called the shots。

  〃I used a want a boy for a kid;〃 said Ennis; undoing buttons; 〃but just got little girls。〃〃I didn't want none a either kind;〃 said Jack。 〃But ****…all has worked the way I wanted。 Nothin never e to my hand the right way。〃 Without getting up he threw deadwood on the fire; the sparks flying up with their truths and lies; a few hot points of fire landing on their hands and faces; not for the first time; and they rolled down into the dirt。 One thing never changed: the brilliant charge of their infrequent couplings was darkened by the sense of time flying; never enough time; never enough。

  A day or two later in the trailhead parking lot; horses loaded into the trailer; Ennis was ready to head back to Signal; Jack up to Lightning Flat to see the old man。 Ennis leaned into Jack's window; said what he'd been putting off the whole week; that likely he couldn't get away again until November after they'd shipped stock and before winter feeding started。

  〃November。 What in hell happened a August? Tell you what; we said August; nine; ten days。 Christ; Ennis! Whyn't you tell me this before? You 
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