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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第57章

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 any here that question God's judgment on a sinner?Behold! Behold a dreadful witness of it!〃  With a convulsive motion; he tore away the ministerial band frombefore his breast。 It was revealed! But it were irreverent to describethat revelation。 For an instant; the gaze of the horror…strickenmultitude was concentred on the ghastly miracle; while the ministerstood; with a flush of triumph in his face; as one who; in thecrisis of acutest pain; had won a victory。 Then; down he sank upon thescaffold! Hester partly raised him; and supported his head against herbosom。 Old Roger Chillingworth knelt down beside him; with a blank;dull countenance; out of which the life seemed to have departed。  〃Thou hast escaped me!〃 he repeated more than once。 〃Thou hastescaped me!〃  〃May God forgive thee!〃 said the minister。 〃Thou; too; hast deeplysinned!〃   

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