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    文学作品包容和涵盖的社会生活面非常广阔,比如英国作家E。 M。 Foster的A Passage to India (《印度之行》),丹麦女作家丹尼森的Out of Africa (《走出非洲》)。在这样的作品里,有很多地方涉及宗教、历史、民族传统等复杂的背景和现实,这是大多数自学英语的人感到最困难的。读这样的作品,是一种新的挑战。为此,我曾经用专门的时间阅读历史,特别是世界史,并且读了多卷本的《世界文明史》,《科学技术史》、《天文学史》、《西方哲学史》,还有《古希腊神话和传说》、《圣经》、《音乐的故事》、《文明的溪流》、《基督教的诞生》等等。
    我读Bible(《圣经》)是因为在很多英文经典文学作品里,经常提到圣经故事和故事里的人物,比如,西方人的姓氏有很多,可名字却总是那么有限的几个,像David (大卫)、William(威廉)、John(约翰)、Lawrence(劳伦斯)、Katherine(凯瑟琳)、Jane(珍妮)、Peter(彼得)、Martin(马丁)、Abraham(亚伯拉罕)、Richard(理查德),读了《圣经》我才恍然大悟,原来西方人取名大多用《圣经》里的人物的名字,难怪他们的人名这么少呢。
    有一年,我读了一本英文原著,是美国作家Carol Gino著的Rusty — A True Story (《露丝蒂——一个真实的故事》)。这本书描写的是一个身患严重癫痫病的护士露丝蒂,在同事卡罗尔的帮助下顽强战胜疾病的感人故事。露丝蒂出生在一个不幸的家庭里,从小受到不公正的对待,长大后,由于她患有阵发性癫痫,受到别人的虐待,多次被送进条件极为恶劣的疯人院(nut house),与真正的精神病人和变态狂关在一起,身心受到摧残。后来,她通过努力,来到一家专门照顾孤寡老人的护理院担任了助理护士的工作,她以自己的勤奋、耐心和对病人无微不至的关爱赢得了同事——护士卡罗尔的关心和爱护,卡罗尔在露丝蒂生病时把她接回自己家里,对她精心照料,终于使她最终战胜疾病,回归美好的生活。
    A girl dressed in a green nursing assistant’s uniform stepped out from one of the rooms in front of me。 Something in her stance let me know she was the one the nurse been calling。 Rusty。 She was attractive with blonde; short hair; which fell in place perfectly。 I figured she must about twenty。 Her uniform was immaculate; obviously pressed carefully; and her white shoes were not only polished but buffed to a high shine。 She was thin; her arms muscular; not in a way a man’s were but as though she had worked hard。 She wore her watch low on her wrist on a thick leather band; the face turned in。 She began to walk quickly towards what was now a real motion。 
    The only constant in my life for all the years was nursing。 No matter how harrowing and painful my regular life was; as soon as I walked on to a hospital floor dressed in white uniform; I felt like Cinderella at the ball。 It was the one place I could be totally me。 The place I could be as smart; as kind; as giving; and as real as I was capable of being。 My patients and I had an understanding past words; we needed each other; we healed each other; and neither of us judged the other。 There was no mask; no pretence; we were just human beings who because of circumstances had to learn to trust each other and so were allowed to really touch each other。 And I had gotten used to that kind of closeness。 Regular relationships pared to those special ones were like to trying to talk to someone through a glass barrier and trying to touch through a wire mesh divider。
    在这里我要特别提到十九世纪英国女作家乔治·艾略特(George Eliot)的长篇小说Silas Marner(《织工马南传》),这也是我读的比较早的英文原著,我那时简直被这个故事迷住了。织布工人塞拉斯·马南纯朴善良,勤劳节俭,可是他却到处受人欺凌,先是遭到诬陷,被迫远走他乡,后来辛苦积攒的钱又被人偷走。他于是变得心灵灰暗冷漠,一个人孤零零地住在一间小屋子里,没有人和他交往,他也不知道今天是何年何月何日,可是,在一个大雪纷飞的除夕之夜,他却意外地得到了一个惊喜……
    This morning he has been told by some of his neighbors that it was New Year’s Eve; and that he must sit up and hear the old year rung out and the new rung in; because that was good luck; and might bring his money back again…
    When Marner’s sensibility returned he continued the action; which had been arrested; and closed his door unaware of the chasm in his consciousness; unaware of any intermediate change; except that the light had grown dim; and that he was chilled and faint。 He thought he had too long standing at the door and looking out。 Turning towards the hearth; where the two logs had fallen apart; and sent forth only a red uncertain glimmer; he seated himself on his fireside chair; and was stooping to push his logs together; when to his blurred vision it seemed as if there were gold on the floor in front of the hearth。 Gold —— his own gold—brought back to him as mysteriously as it had been taken away! He felt his heart begin to beat violently; and for a few moments he was unable to stretch his hand and grasp the restored treasure。 The heap of gold seemed to glow and get larger beneath his agitated gaze。 He leaned forward at last; and stretched forth his hand; but instead of the hard coin with familiar resisting outline; his fingers encountered soft warm curls。 In utter amazement Silas fell on his knees and bent his head low to examine the marvel; it was a sleeping child —— a round; fair thing; with soft yellow rings all over his head…Was it a dream? He rose his feet again; pushed his logs together; and; throwing on some dried leaves and sticks; raised a flame。 But the flame did not disperse the vision; it only lit up distinctly the little round form of the child; and its shabby clothing。 
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